how dare she!!?


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Well me and t.w.a.t features ( now ex oh) had massive bust up this morning when he stepped the line by ragging my hair back during a argument, pushed me up the wall and was spittin abuse and threats down my ear... well i managed to dig my nails in his neck bone n get him off me...i was scared bump wud b squashed up wall n i kicked him out after slappin im around the face and guin mad at im. Well the thing is it isn't the first time his touched me he has punched my arms n legs, threw various items at me, slapped me, forced me to do stuff i dnt wna do, headbutted me, spat at me, gripped his hand around ma neck... and no he hardly ever leaves a mark n his never blacked a eye but i still class tht as domestic abuse n im not avin it the selfish arse!! Anyway, as if his not enough to handle... his mom invlboxes me and texts me sayin how her son wud neva hit me and basically im lying then said she felt sorry for Lo already...basically sayin im a bad parent. Well I'm sorry but id do anythin for my little one already and ill raise him the best i can. Pot callin kettle black, shes hardly the perfect rolemodels. Ive seen her strange parentin, one rule for the one but it dnt apply to the other...and I've heard stories...the silly women wants to look in the mirror before she judges me ... the nerve of some people, just because her son is a cowarsly women beater!!! Grr lol (p.s...sorry bout spelin, on my fone and not used to txtin yet lol as its new touch screen
Seriously hon do not take him back, never mind its bad enough he could do that to a woman, but to a PREGNANT woman, there are no words as to what a lowlife he is, and to go running tales to his mum too, you and your lo seriously don't need that in your lives. His mum sounds just as bad, I'd be inclined to tell her a few home truths. Are you ok now though hon? Do u have anyone who could come stay with you for a bit, make sure he keeps away?
Omg be careful hun, no one should lay a hand on you, pregnant or not (especially not when pregnant), hope you're ok xx
Im ok I've told him not to contact me... n im only contactin him when its about LO so thats it now. His loss I'm just scared of been on my own and i wouldn't waste my time arguin wiv that pathetic misrable cow, she isn't exactly the perfect rolemodel parent herself x
Hi, just read your post; I would stay well away from him hun... take care... x
dont take him back plz hun i know its going to be hard because i been through it myself my sister lost her kids because she chose to be with a nasty man then have her kids, even tho they say oh i will change bla bla bla dont trust them they never do x
Now that you have him out KEEP HIM OUT! I was watching a show the recently that explains that men of this type tend to get worse when their woman is pregnant as with the LO being his it is more about control. Glad you have seen sense and put your little one first.

I would not respond to any contact from him or his mother - and to be on the safer side I would log the assualt with the police so that you and your child are protected right now.

I really hope it won't get any messier for you from here on in. Men like him are bullies and prey on the vunerable - time for you to get strong - why fear being alone when the only 'company' he can offer you is one that involves him putting his hands on you x
this post should have been headed 'How dare HE!'
Now that you have him out KEEP HIM OUT! I was watching a show the recently that explains that men of this type tend to get worse when their woman is pregnant as with the LO being his it is more about control. Glad you have seen sense and put your little one first.

I would not respond to any contact from him or his mother - and to be on the safer side I would log the assualt with the police so that you and your child are protected right now.

I really hope it won't get any messier for you from here on in. Men like him are bullies and prey on the vunerable - time for you to get strong - why fear being alone when the only 'company' he can offer you is one that involves him putting his hands on you x

Totally agree! I'm sorry to hear that you've had to put up with this sort of treatment. You definitely don't need anyone like that in your life. Hope you and LO are safe. x
Sorry you've had to go through this. I would report him to the police too. If he can hit you, especially whilst pregnant, who is to say he would be aggresive with lo later on in life.

I hope you're ok. Stay strong.

who does that interfeering bitch think she is!? i hope u gave her a mouthful too!!
what a pair of arse holes!! xx
Thanks everybody, feels good to have support on here cuz otherwise I think I'd give in lol! His aunty had put something on facebook about me too calling me the immature and stupid one, they don't like it cuz I've told my friends and family what happened, more fool them! Now his Mom wont stop crying saying 'we might not see the baby' ect.... end of the day she should of thought about that before she got her nose involved and sent me a email and text. I've spoke to him since but only to make it clear I'm not interested in getting back with him and if anything like that happens again to me or infront of LO or he upsets LO with his temper he wont see him ever again and he would have to kill me to change my bloody mind! Why are men fools? I hate it cuz when we were on our own and he was in a good mood we would have a lovely time, chatting and laughing and enjoying life together but as soon as somebody else is around he changes, and slags me off to his friends saying he can't stand me ect... then he tells me I'm his princess and he loves me and his boy more than anything in this world. Makes me look like a mug tbh but I wont be took for one, he done it one too many times this time!! thanks again girlies xx
hi hun ive been through this in the past (16 years ago) with my ex when i was pregnant with ds, he used to slap me, punch me, kick me even knelt on my belly while pregnant, i wasnt strong enough to kick him out until id had my daughter a year later and even then he used to break in my house, phone me at 2am threatning to shoot me, and id got 2 babies in the house, he told me hed kill them and himself in front of me to make me suffer.

when i got him out the house it was such a big relief i brought my 2 Lo's up on my own with great support from family, i let ex see them although it was done where i dropped them off at his sisters and left then he picked them up, its been 16 years and most of it rough as he threatens me every now and again but i dont bother about it any more im strong enough to cope, my kids dont see him very often as they are embarrassed by him, if their walking down the road and someone looks at him he starts shouting at them WTF!!!

you have done the right thing keep strong and keep him out it dosent get any better and he wont stop.

you can bring Lo upon your own youve been strong so far and its so much better for you both to be out of a violent relationship.

as for his mum she must be stupid end of

if you want to moan or support message me at any time babe x x x
OMG please don't take him back! If he can treat you that way while you're pregant it will only get worse once baby's born..take it from someone who's been there, they NEVER change no matter what they say. xx
Oh and i would take them all off your facebook friends don't need that stress xx
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I see this in work every day! And most get back with their vilent exs! DONT!!!! you and your LO are worth so much more than this! Be strong and on your own.... soon enough it will be you and your little one against the world and I tell you what... you will never feel stronger!!! much love xxx
Well done you for being so strong and showing him the door.

Im sure your not listening to a thing that silly woman says but do not ever let his mother convince you that you are a bad parent... As somebody said above you've done the right thing by putting the safety of your baby first... That is not bad parenting that is you being a good mum and a strong woman.

I really hope that you enjoy the rest of your pregnancy without that lowlife!

Good luck and stay strong sweet.

Well done for being strong - please stay that way and keep him and his family out of your life. x
well done for being strong, keep your chin up hon and remember all the support you have on here. we're all behind you. x x
whether a bruise is left or not its volience domestic or otherwise, call the police its assault, how dare he lay a finger on you. Block the mothers number on your phone have no contact she's obviously not worth the breath to even mention her again. God this makes me so mad. Well done you keep him out, you say you will do anything for your child. Give your child the gift of a life without that idiot in it, what he does to you he will do to your child hes proved it by doing it already stay strong lovely lady you can do it xx

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