How can I gradually reduce my milk build up?


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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Hi ladies...

Ok so a small dilema.

After exclusively BF for 4 week it emerged that Austin had not gained or lost any weight n they were quite worried. If he had not gained in the week after he would have to have been admitted to hospital as a 'failure to thrive baby' petrified me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So they recommended I go n get some formula to top him up...which we have n hes like a different calm m content after 2 weeks of intense was now obvious I hadnt produced enuf milk.

I was referred to a BF specialist as they couldnt understand why as I was eatin n drinkin plenty...latch was good...was feedin regularly... etc etc

They has overlooked my boob reduction 6 years ago n we had all presumed that if I produced milk in the first place...there would b enough.

It turns out some of my ducts have regenerated n linked up n half havent n I also has less ducts due to the tissue they removed...but that life.

Felt quite Id starved my baby but knew it felt like a weight had been liftef to get a definate answer.

So Im now planning to bf in the morning for some lovin bondin in bed with A n top up with formula n FF rest of the day......

HOWEVER...MY BOOBS R KILLING BY THIS POINT IN THE DAY (7PM) Im having to pump the milk out to reduce the pain n pressure. Ill give him my milk later but I need to know how to reduce my supply to only produce enough for his morning feed. If u know what I mean.

I dnt want to stop point blank as still want to bf once a day....but cant be doin with pumping every morning n evening.

Ironic that I dnt have enuf to make my baby grow but enuf t build up n hurt...any tips would be fab....

Thanks in advance xxxxx

Oh hun, sorry for all you have been through. Can imagine how emotional it was, I found the whole first few months of BFing a very emotional experience anyway with all the normal problems that crop up let alone what you have been through also.

Your body should naturally adjust to reduce supply. If you stop pumping it will probably reduce alot quicker. I know being engorged if uncomfortable, but pumping will only prolong the production build up throughout the day. If you carry on pumping, maybe just pump the top off to relieve the pressure? A pump can't trick boobs, baby's saliva is what 'talks' to boobs, and obviously pumps can't do that so supply will stop from pumping eventually.

Good luck hun xxx
Wy don't you express and feed everything to the baby and give formula too if not ??
Can u not bf morning and evening and top up with ff?

The only thing I can suggest is a tight bra to compress ur boobs but not sure if that will stop it altogether. U may just stop producing lots if he is only feeding once a day but not sure.

MMmmmmm right..maybe Ill bf in the morning n skim the top off in the afternoon to reduce the reproduction.
Just cant cope with rock boobs everyday.
I was devatstated about going to formula as Id been so happy about being able to BF but now ive seen how happy my lil man is now....I know im doing the right thing by him x
I don't understand why your not bfing then topping up with ff if he wants it? Then you are still bfing but you need not worry about him getting his fill :)

Pinky...Because from what the bf support advisor and specialist saw when I was feeding him and when we pumped for them. They said I am only managing to feed him fore milk. Which is why he is falling asleep alot at the breast as he is having to work so so hard n only getting drip is safer to ff as they cant risk him not gaining. Lucikly he has gone from 7.4- 7.15 in 2 happy. Im happy I managed to exclusively bf for 4 weeks, he had the colostrum n my antibodies and Ill continue to have the close time with him in a morning.
I didnt have the exact same experience but wasnt producing enough milk so now I BF a little bit and then top up with formula. My friend however had the same sutiation - although they monitored her closely straight away and she ended up pumping and feeding it to him from the bottle. She didnt t continue BFing long though.

You could express a bit lunch time - or feed him a bit maybe? Or can you you get foremilk out by pumping?
think ill continue to bf as much as I can but always take a top up with me as im paranoid abt his weight now xx
I asked a mw and she said if you want to stop bf to leave them alone, don't express etc, I reckon the same would go for wanting to feed once a day u mean not to pump or bf at all?? wat if I get totally engorged? isn't it dangerous? its painful already :'( xx
My mw told me when I stopped bf dont pump, squeeze or anything or you will hurt longer. I had a couple of really painful days but that soon wore off.

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The girls are right, the quickest way to reduce milk supply is to leave them boobies well alone. It is uncomfortable to be engorged but the more you squeeze out your body thinks it still needs to produce that amount so it will take longer for your body to stop producing milk.

And also, when you pumped for the doctors I wouldn't use that as an estimation of what baby is receiving from you. I BF my son for 1 year and could never express more than an oz or two from each breast, and yet I did a whole year and he gained weight. I know your situation is different and that your baby wasn't gaining or losing but just don't go by pumping to gauge how much baby is getting per feed. Boobs cannot be fooled by pumps, baby will always get more than a pump can because it's what they do!

Good luck in whatever you decide to do, although I am very pro-BFing, I also believe that happy mummy=happy baby. No point in trying to carry on with something that is making you both upset.

I think just use what you plan to ultimately use ie one feed a day but you might be a bit full and engorged to feed him but it's worth a try, also don't put any hot or cold flannels on it it makes it worse.

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