How can a doctor make u feel so rubbish?!

I agree with the others its terrible but its exactly what my doctor said to me when i first went too.

said its so early its more of a miracle if the pregnancy does make it and that she (yep a woman) hates these new pregnancy tests which tell you early because most pregnancies will be lost in the first few weeks anyway and just bring on a late period.

awful to hear isnt it!! :(
It certainly is!

Is that your horse in the pic? i've got 3 horses, only reason i ask lol x
Well done for complaining Hun, I'm sure your next appointment with a PROPER doctor will be much more pleasant! I hope that so called doctor get what's coming to him!
That's disgraceful! Go you for writing a letter! Luckily I managed to catch one of the friendly docs when I told them but I don't know how i'd have reacted to a remark like yours gave you! What a d*ck!
It's strange enough just getting used to the idea of ACTUALLY being pregnant, cant imagine it helping if you've a twat for a doc like him! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! Try not to stress too much about it! Besides, there's a beautiful little person starting to grow in your tummy that you've got to worry about now as well! Hehe! Xx
Eugh doctors are amazingly stupid sometimes. When my friend found out she was pregnant, he got out a ''marie stopes abortion clinic'' referral paper. she was horrified because shes 22 and was TTC! *******. So many people find out at like 1-2 weeks and manage to have healthy babies, and they have the cheek to tell you its a miricle too. What, its a miricle if you find out your pregnant at 2 weeks and it survive rather than find out at 6-7-8 weeks and it survive? Idiots arnt they. cannot beleive im actualy training to be one of those! LOL! xx
I'm really glad you've complained hun, some doctors are such tw*ts! My GP is awful, when I was on the pill my periods stopped, which they shouldn't do. I went to see the GP and I knew it was cos of the pill but the doctor was adamant it wasn't and even said I would probably have difficulty conceiving as I probably had polycystic ovaries. She didn't change my pill but didn't even send me for any tests. I was really upset. But, I was right, I came off the pill and my periods came back with a vengence, and my OH and I managed to conceive ok as I'm 8 weeks pregnant now! Some of them need to be struck off. I didn't complain but with I had! Enjoy your prengancy :-)
Thankyou guys for all your comments, and strong opinions. I agree with them all and will defo be writing this formal letter of complaint. Seeing the other dr tomorrow so fingers crossed! i'm a bit nervous! i must admit i'm not the nicest person recently, VERY irritable lmao! x:mad:
hope it all goes well tomz you deserve an appointment with a really understanding doctor lets us know how you get on xxx
That's really out of order :hug: I can understand concerns about early testing *but surely this isn't the way to approach talking to someone about it?

Sounds like a GP needs a refresher course in "talking to patients like humans" - what a tw.t! :hug:

Hope your next doctor is more understanding - and good for you for lodging a complaint. How fecking archaic IS that doctor?!?:wall2::wall2::wall2:
OMG that is absolutely shocking that the DR could say anything like that I would have walloped him round the head!!
How are things now? Have you had your appointment with the other doctor?

FX everything ok, thinking of you xXxXx

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