How big to ovulate?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Hey, i had my scan today to check if the clomid worked. Basically Im of the impression that it hasnt but Im getting the usual rubbish about we will wait and see! There is growth in my left ovary follicles which is a good thing I guess but the biggest is only 11.5.

Am I right thinking they should be about 17 if the clomid has worked? Usual chat of it could grow over the weekend so dtd and come back Fri for 21 day bloods. I just feel 11.5 on day 12 of 100mg of clomid is not successful. What are your opinions am I being the realistic one?
It's tricky.

During IVF i had 18 follicles and the smallest were:


I "ovulated" three days later and two of those follicles still had mature eggs in them.

I know it's not the same prodecure, but if it's a scaled down version of IVF stimulations then i think it's still possible for you :)

Mine grew 1-2mm each day and they say that anything over 14mm should have a mature egg in it so maybe by Saturday you could have reached that size.

I would still think to increase your clomid dose slightly but i don't think it's totally hopeless - good luck :hug:
Thanks Louise! If I still have a chance Im still in there! Oh come on body lets just do it!
Yes i was just going to say that they grow , tou may ovulate later cd 16 on my first lot amd CD16 on the 2nd , so with that in mind 1-2mm per day you could get to 19mm so dont give up hope x x x
Hi hun. 100mg of clomid & only 1 follicle of 11.5mm .. i would say ( if it was me ) not really good if honest.

I have been on clomid & i was on tamoxifen & your follicle has to be around 18/23mm till it pops. 100mg you should of at least had 2 or three 2 at the most.

What about a hcg trigger, did they not offer you one of these ? hcg trigger can make them grow faster, mature them. Follicels grow 1-2mm per day, so it could catch up, but i would mention about putting you on 150mg of clomid if you produced 1 follicle on the 100mg & ask about bringing you in for a hcg trigger too hun.

Try the evening primrose oil & Vitamin E when your taking your clomid! there really good & will help your follicles to grow more.

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I have more than one follicle its just the biggest one is 11.5 she didnt say what the others were mind you! No mention of anything bar day 21 bloods so have to wait for that. I wasnt greatly hopeful either with it but hopefully there wil still be a chance! Reckon an upped dose to 150 mg is on the cards though!
That sounds a little on the small side to me hun :( should be more than 1 on 100mg. But it does still have time to grow xxx
Thanks Chaz I know its a long shot but Im taking anything at the moment. Still only high on my cbfm so I hoping against hope my wee follicle is growing by 2mm a day. If this is right by tomorrow or Monday I should bet my peak and Ive just ovulated later!!! God I hope so!

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