How are we all doing?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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How's everyone doing? :)

Well my sickness has changed :wall2: I wake up feeling not too bad most mornings :dance: and then it changes into extreme sickness from lunchtime on :eh: I went to bed last night and had to get up twice to be sick :mad: But it is getting better, not :puke: as much, just extreme nausea now :roll: Can't believe I'll be in double figures on tuesday :shock:

How's everyone else doing?
heya i still get bad nausea but laceys mum in trimester 2 suggested taking my folic acid at night instead of morning meaning if u feel sick u dont realise as ur sleeping it worked, i still get nausea but not half as bad, apart from that i seem to have a permanent state of thrush (sorry tmi) and docs wont give me a pesary.

however i am starting to feel flutters of baby which is amazing and i know its def baby as i felt it when baby was moving in scan xxxx
Awww how nice to be feeling baby :love:
Worried and wishing I had more symptoms! I'd give anything for a bit of MS:oooo:
i would also love some ms how sad just to confirm i am def pregnant i have 25 hpt left and do one every two or three days just to reassure myself and i love how the test line now comes up before the control line hope you ms gets better soon mamafyx
Glad your feeling a bit better , hope it goes soon
Hello ladies! Well my MS has all but gone (so much relief) and now I am nervously waiting for my scan on the 28th. I seem to have convinced myself that I'm going to go there and the nurse will tell me there's no baby. The days are dragging really bad and I think it would be better if I had a bump or something but I have absolutely nothing to tell me that I'm pg at all. I wish I was thinner, lol. Then I might actually see if I had a bump instead of just seeing my flabby old tum.

Hi everyone.
After a couple of weeks of slight concern about not having any symptoms I'm now starting to get some. It usually starts about 6pm, cant even think about making dinner, smell of anything makes me feel ill. OH makes some plaing food for me which I do try and eat even though I know that within about an hour I'll feel worse. I'm so tired so have a nap after dinner, and wake up still feeling sick. Luckily not been sick yet though.
This weekend I'm feeling particularly crappy as I have a sore throat on top of feeling sick, just trying to chill out a bit as I'll have to go to work tomorrow and we're meant to go out for a departmental dinner!!!
Hi ladies...touch wood I haven't actually been sick for 2 days - still feeling sick and still off most foods but no actual vomiting so I'm hoping it's easing off. Did have a scary bleed the other night but only lasted half an hour or so. Was so, so worried but fingers crossed it was nothing. xxx

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