How am i going to make it through the next 12 days?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
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I've got to wait 12 days until they scan me again, understand they've got to wait but I hate the thought that I've got to carry a dead baby for almost 2 more weeks when I've already been carrying it for 6 weeks (i thought I was 12 weeks). I just want it gone, I've lost any maternal instinct I had towards it. I feel empty, hopeless and angry. Not only that, but I know all that's ahead of me is pain, bleeding and horrible things. Today was going to be the day we tell everyone at my 30th birthday party now I just want to crawl into a hole and cry. Sorry this is horrible. :(
Another 12 days?! Thats a long time!!!

When i had my mmc, i was supposed to be 11 weeks And measured 7... I asked the midwife if there was any point returning for a scan and she said no. I had a natural mc anyway, i would have been rescanned if i wanted to go down the medical route. I cant believe they can scan you no sooner :/

Have you decided what route you're going to go down? If you opt for natural i hope things start happening for you soon hun. So sorry for your loss xxx
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Why 12 days? Can you ask to be rescanned sooner and explain how you feel? After my mmc I was back in hospital the following day for pre op stuff then had the erpc the next day.

Hope you are ok hun? Even if you have to wait 12 days the time will pass and soon you will be able to move forward and think about trying again. Big hugs and thinking of you x
I know the wait is hard hun but they have to re scan just incase your dates was wrong so they always rescan in 2 weeks. Sometimes they can tell without the need if it has started to come down on its own. So sorry for your loss and hope its easy as can be for you xxx
Tht as terrible I didn't have to be rescanned I was meant to be 10 weeks baby stopped at 7-8 weeks I know they have to rescan you when u have early scans and ur a couple weeks out but 6 weeks no obviously u got a Poss preg test around 8 weeks ago so how the hell can they think u for ur dates wrong in sorry but times like this I don't think a rescan is necessary , I had to carry my dead baby for a week due to no room for erpc at the hospital and that was pure torture cos I still had all symptoms , I'm so sorry ur having to go through this and hopefully u will have a natural mc very soon and won't have to wait those 2 weeks , I think it's barbaric I realy do , big hugs cazzie xx
I agree jojo. Midwife said as long as i was 100% about my lmp i wouldnt have to be rescanned (this was before i'd decided what route to go down and they were happy with that). I hope you start to miscarry naturally so you can be out of limbo xxx
I'm so sorry you have to go through this, hun. I hope it's over for you soon. Hugs x x
Thanks everyone for your comments. I'm going to phone up on Monday to see if they could fit me in earlier, I totally agree, can understand if I was earlier and only a couple of weeks out but I'm not! I'm going to play on my mental state which isn't good at the moment unsurprisingly. Have also decided to have the procedure done as I want it to go away with as little fuss as possible. Fingers crossed xx
Really sorry to read this Hun. Thinking of you, hope you get seen to sooner rather than later xxx

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