housing :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2008
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hey every1! you dont have to reply to this, i suppose its just a bit of a rant! its all been getting on top of me and i just need someone to speak to. :(

me and james (my OH) moved in together last august in our wee flat. before that, we were both just living at home with parents. we had no plans for a family so soon, but its one of those lovely wee surprises i suppose! :D

anyway, basically OH is on minimum wage, and I'll be off on mat leave in july so we really wont be able to afford the rent as well as bills etc. we manage now, but thats with 2 incomes so we split everything. we applied to the council and housing companies as soon as we realised i was preg, but they have NO houses in our town!! we cant move back in with parents as a last resort as there is no room. i am calling/emailing housing people every week and getting same thing "sorry no houses available just now"

so we are gonna be stuck where we are, not being able to afford it at all! :(

sorry for the rant i just had to get it off my chest!!!!!!!!
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I would enquire about housing benefit if I were you, they should be able to cover most if not all of your rent.

Good luck.
sorry to hear your having such a hard time finding some where to live
i know how hard it is to afford some where and the cost of just a flat is a lot theses days

hope and pray they fnd you some where to live soon hunny
:hug: :hug: sarah
Firstly :hug: :hug: :hug:

Please try not to worry, you will work things out!

There are things like housing benefit, council tax benefit, income support and tax credits to help families on low incomes.

When you have some time take a trip to your local citizens advice and they will be able to tell you what help you could get :hug:
thankyou girlies!

james is gonna find out all about benefits etc from council today, cos im at work all day. really hope we are eligible for a good amount....to keep us afloat!! ill let you guys know how we get on! Xxxxxxxx
I am in the same boat. I've been on the council housing list for 2 years. OH and I moved into a private let last year. Everytime I phone to see if I am closer to getting a house they tell me I haven't moved at all on the list. I know how frustrating it is.

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