Good news on our housing situation!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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As some of you will be aware, we had to leave our private rent back in September as the landlady decided to sell the property and in the meantime we have been staying with my parents.

Well, today we got a long awaited letter from the local Housing Association who have decided FINALLY that we ARE priority and they are looking to house us in a permanant tenancy as a matter of urgency!

:dance: :dance: :dance:

We are so thrilled, we really were preparing to go out and find ourselves another sky high private rental, but now we dont have to worry :D

We are now keeping our fingers crossed that we will be offered somewhere before the baby is born, but seeing as I only have 6 weeks to go im not so sure how likely that is to happen??

How long did it take any of you guys to get housed after you were accepted as priority?

Whatever happens at least we know rehousing is imminent and we are thrilled, its totally made my weekend, feels like a whole stress has been magically lifted of my shoulders! :D
yay for you i think you might be in before baby arrives hun. were in same situation got to go for meeting with homeless people next tues to see where there gona put us so fingers crossed but to get this far means you wont have long to wait. :dance:
Can't really help with time scales or anything, it's great that you're going to have somewhere though! Fingers crossed you're in by Christmas (or baby)!
so glad ur getting somewhere
my mate was housed 4 weeks after she was told she was an Urgent case
:cheer: Fantastic news babes :hug:

Praying you are in by chrimbo, or at least in time for bubba arrival xx :pray:
Yippee, I knew it would work out for you! How lovely a new home and your little man on the way :hug:
fantastic news hun, i know exactly how you feell i was in thesame position only we had no where else to go except temp accomidation in a shelterd housing flad with shared toilets ect with all sorts of people only we would have to have paid because OH was working

anyways we got offerd a house within 2 weeks of being accepted as homeless but it was going to take anything up to 6 months to get the keys because they are in the process here fitting new kitchens and bathrooms but because our landlord was a wanker he wanted us out within 24 days so it was a case of ringing the housing every day

finally paid off and we moved in on the 14th of october still no new kitchen or bathroom but im sooooooooo glad to be in it now gawd knows how long we would have been waiting if we didnt pester them to get the keys though :roll:

If your case is urgent then i shouldnt think it should take any longer than 3 weeks to be offerd a house but its the getting the keys thast the long part it can take anything up to 6 months bt just keep ringing them every day it will pay off when your settled in your new home

good luck hun and all thebest
I know we have already spoken, but woohoo!! :cheer: I'm so pleased for you hunnie!
Christ your council is better than mine. We are living with my mum and have been told we're not priority. There are 5 of us in a 3 bedroom house and my mum had to move out of her bedroom as I was in a box room. We want to part buy though but even that is looking too expensive so god knows how long we'll be here but at least we;re not homeless I guess!

Congrats on your new place!
so pleased for you jade, hope you get in and decorating that new nursery very very soon xx :cheer:
Strangeness said:
Christ your council is better than mine. We are living with my mum and have been told we're not priority. There are 5 of us in a 3 bedroom house and my mum had to move out of her bedroom as I was in a box room. We want to part buy though but even that is looking too expensive so god knows how long we'll be here but at least we;re not homeless I guess!

Congrats on your new place!

We had to do EVERYTHING you can imagine hun, to get put to the top of the list and accepted as homeless mind you!

We were evicted from our house which gave us a fair few points but we also got a letter from my GP saying it was detrimental to my health to not have suitable housing, had to prove with bank statements etc we could not afford a private rent in this area, my mum had to write endless letters and make phone calls to say she couldnt cope much longer with us and that the stay was only temporary. Its wrong, but the only way you can do it is to get on their backs and make out your going to be on the streets any time soon! :evil: :evil:

We were not priority for ages...its been going on since July :roll:

Best of luck mate, badger them like there is no tomorrow!

I do hope we are in before chrimbo/bubs arrival. It will prob take a while to get it habitable, but at least we will be in no dire rush to move in straight away, mum has said we can stay until its ready to move into which is cool.

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