Housing Benefit?


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2010
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Hiya everyone!

I'm so confused about this whole Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit stuff.

I live with my parents at the moment, having split with my OH not long ago, and the extra support has been great. However, when LO was born, my parents house was not big enough for us all and they decided to rent another whilst I got myself back on my feet, bless them.

Their contract runs out in June though and my Dads just taken over a business so funds are really tight at the moment whilst he gets his head around everything he has to pay etc. So we're moving back into the house they own, which means me and LO will have to share with my 19 year old sister in a room that realistically couldn't fit two beds in, let alone a cot and furniture on top of that.

My parents seem to think it will be fine but I think I've outstayed my welcome. I've had to go back work part-time three days a week so I currently get Child Benefit, Working and Child Tax Credits and if I was to rent without claiming extra, I'd only just manage with the bills and, without sounding silly, I don't want to just manage with Lily incase she needs something urgently I can't afford it.

I just can't get my head around this Housing Benefit thing :( I phoned Citizens Advice but what they just confused me even more

So if anyone who can shed some light for me that would be brilliant!

aknow if u werent working u and ur little 1 would be entitled to max for 2 bedroom house that they would pay 115.38 a week and u would have to pay between 25 30 on council tax water charges regarding band u stay in so if u could find somewere that is in within that range then u wouldnt need pay anything but dont know how goes cos u work 16 hours x
Housing benefit differs from 1 area to another the maximum for a 3 bed is only 72 a week. But u should be entitled to something if ur income is less than £16000. Ur local jobcentre should be able to advise u on benefits Inc housin and c tax xx
im struggling to inderstand what you wrote. as youve wrote you live with your parents then ask about housing benifit lol if your planning on getting a place of your own id apply to your local council to see if they cn help explain your situation and stuff it may take a while but also look privately also as someone sed housing benifit is different for eah area ours pays 103 pound for 2 bedroomed flat sometimes depending on it you will have a certain amount to put to wards the rent so if your rent is 450 and council pays 103 poundaweek youll only needtopay 27 poundamonth towords itall depending on how muh the council pay housing benifit. they only pay out what they think the houses would cost. bu to claim housing benifit you need your own place
Id try the beneift website to.
Ask the council for help with housing. You would be high on the list.
Of if you rented privately they can still help with rent costs with that.
Your best bet, by far, is the website though. So far its always been exactly accurate for us!
If you are thinking of going private i would speak to your council to find out what the maximum they pay towards a 2 bed property. In my area the maximum they pay for a 2 bed place is £795 a month this depends on the area you live in. I have to top my rent up as my rent is £825.
If you are on low income then you should be able to claim for the full housing benefit allowance.
i was going to ask the same thing. i am going to be claiming for evryhting possible as although im employed i will go from 1200 a month to 124 a week. oh only gets 500 a month too.

anyone know if we will get the full allowance for a 2 bed place which here is 595 a month.

its all so confusing. i got made redundant last year and they paid for up to a 1 bed as only a couple but the woman said then that if we had a baby they would pay alot more. xxx
hmmm i dunno if youll get anything on housing benifit my oh is getting about 500 pound amonth in wages but they sed he wouldnt get housing benifit. are you going back to work after baby is born or you having a year off if your on smp and you were single they would pay a bit of housing beinifit but im not sure what they class of low income i know if oh moves in with me i would lose income support and thought that we might lose housing benifit as his wage is low wont be able to afford this place as it rent is suppose to 525 a month

housing benifit pay out is different in all areas too

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