house rabbit advice


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2007
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i remember there being a topic on house bunnies a while ago..ive just brought a little bunny and he stayed in the front room last nite and was jumping around the front room and was really friendly! my mum told me rabbits should live outside and cos i brought a hutch for him it was taking lots of room in my front room so decided he wud go in the shed for the winter and then go in the garden. im sitting here wondering if hes ok! :( and i dont want him to become shy cos hes so friedly but already ive spent less time with him today than yesturday.
need some advice on toilet training and just generally what is it like to keep a rabbit inside?
i used to have one a few years back, started off keeping it indoos and it was fine, really friendly and hyper, then got moved out to hutch outside, after a while of that it became it a bit nuts, would attack anyone that wasnt me, broke out of its hutch and chased fox's/cats about the place lol

you dont need a hutch to keep em inside tho, i never did, it was one of those plastic cages, of which i had a few (had 6 guinea pigs aswell lol). no doubt you could toilet train em, ive no personal experiance of it tho, rarely ever did the toilet outside of its cage when it was let out
im gonna bring him back in 2mos!! i wanted a pet so i had some company and i dont see the point of sticking him in a hutch in the back of a garden!! will try and find a plastic cage..thanks for the advice!
any advice with a 1 year old around aswell tho?
If it's been living in the house until tonight I would seriously consider bringing it back in now. My friend had 2 rabbits die in one night when the temperature dropped suddenly in the night and they hadn't had a chance to build up their winter coats.
i think i might actually urchin! he was livin inside at the petshop and is still a baby! grr silly mums! but i cant carry the hutch on my own so he will have to stay in a box if i bring him in now! and i have no light outside.. will give it a go tho i think
Urchin said:
If it's been living in the house until tonight I would seriously consider bringing it back in now. My friend had 2 rabbits die in one night when the temperature dropped suddenly in the night and they hadn't had a chance to build up their winter coats.

I agree. We used to bring our bunnies in every winter (hutch and all) but i just cant do it this year with being preggers, too much mess.

Ours have been outside since around March this year and so theyve got enough fluff on them to keep warm, and theres 2 of them in there so they can snuggle. Also if your leaving a bunny outside id reccomend getting a hutch cover. I got a made to measure one for 70 quid and its all insulated and lovely. Certainly put nmy mund at ease. Didnt want my daughter going out one day and finding 2 frozen bunnies :shock:
hes in!! that was hard work cos i had to try and pick him up with only my phone for light!!

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