Hotel 'Listening in service' would you?

I do love Edinburgh too... I think my baby could have been conceived in a nice hotel in Edinburgh...!! Haha :)
If the hotel was small enough that I could use my own baby montior ,I think I would for a meal, but I would have to keep checking inbetween courses as well.
I would not entrust a stranger to listen out for my child though it's my job . When your a parent you have to put the child first of course , and you will know your child better than anyone else so it about weighting up your childs needs and yours and making the best choices you can at that time .Trust your instinct I think is what I'm trying to say . xx
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If the hotel was small enough that I could use my own baby montior ,I think I would for a meal, but I would have to keep checking inbetween courses as well.
I would not entrust a stranger to listen out for my child though it's my job . When your a parent you have to put the child first of course , and you will know your child better than anyone else so it about weighting up your childs needs and yours and making the best choices you can at that time .Trust your instinct I think is what I'm trying to say . xx
Im going to sound paranoid but baby monitors can be switched off . I would be worried that by if it was switched off by the time I got back to my room my lo would be gone . Also at six weeks old my lo stopped breathing and almost died she didn't make a sound when it happened so a listening in service would have been of no use to me in that situation , what saved her was being able to physically see her. I do agree that its about instinct and your child's best needs but common sense is important too
I wouldn't be able to relax and enjoy myself so it would be pointless for me. I'd never forgive myself if anything happened, no night out is worth that x
No way! I agree with everyone else. I would never, I would rather sit in with my husband and baby then risk anything happening. Would not trust anyone other then my parents to look after the baby, especially not someone who would listen in at a hotel, no chance. Hun just explain to your MIL, your original plan sounds lovely to spend it with your OH and baby as a family.
I'd never use a 'listening in' service, no one can possibly listen in as well as we, as mothers, do!

I would, however, be royally pissed at ur OH's family inviting themselves along to ur NYE celebrations!! I'd wanna go somewhere else just to have some alone time as a new family!! Some people have no boundaries!! X

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Absolutely not a chance in hell - I'm surprised a hotel even offers this service 1) who would use it and 2) it's a HUGE responsibility for them to 'listen in' on other peoples children.
Watching from the hotel room sounds lovely though.
Madeleine McCann!!!

All I can say is a hotel is a public place. Would you leave your child unattended in a public place? No! Even if it was a small hotel and you could take your baby moniter, there is always more than one set of keys for a hotel room! Anyone could potenitally gain access. The thought literally makes me shudder...
I think your idea of spending NYE together in the hotel room sound absolutely wonderful, I would have been kicking off hugely if all the family invited themselves to my intimate little night away and ruined it like that. As for the listening service, my thought was 'how do they do that?', if its monitors, your baby is awake and crying it's eyes out before anyone reaches it, and some 'listening services' involve someone going and checking on babies/toodlers every 25 minutes to half an hour, meaning potentially, baby could be left alone for over half a hour awake and way!

My FiL has stayed in hotels so small (guesthouses really) that you could use your own monitor and be there before baby is even properly awake, and when there is only a dozen other rooms, that isn't a issue, but in a full size hotel, I wouldn't even think of that option either, as one of the other ladies said, what if there was a fire?
Madeleine McCann!!!

All I can say is a hotel is a public place. Would you leave your child unattended in a public place? No! Even if it was a small hotel and you could take your baby moniter, there is always more than one set of keys for a hotel room! Anyone could potenitally gain access. The thought literally makes me shudder...

Exactly! And who's to say one of the porters/maids/staff isn't a pedophile with a key to your room, knowing there is a child in there unattended???? x
I think you might find a "listening in service" is for older children.

*puts police hat on*
Unless there was a member of staff sitting in the room, with the baby the whole time then you would be heading for some serious child neglect charges!!!! Or if the hotel was very small and they had a baby monitor with them the whole time, that had been tested throughout the hotel for signal.

*takes police hat off*
as a soon to be mummy, there is no way in hell i would entrust the welfare of my baby to a total stranger, especially one working in what will be a very busy hotel at their busiest time of year!
Oh no! as others have said Maddie Mcann!!

Definitley a no no no no! xxxx
Firstly I can't believe your family invited themselves to YOUR sepecial new family night out!
Seccondly I also can't believe she would suggest leaving the baby in the room.

There's no way I would leave my baby on it's own or with a stranger.
Far too many kids get taken from hotels when parents are downstairs having fun :(
no way!

have they forgotten that little maddie went missing from a hotel room? yes it was abroad but im from scotland and even though im in my home place i wouldnt leave my baby unattended. EVER :shock:

is this service popular?
As Lynds said I really don't think this is legal for a 6 week old to be left unattended?? And I think it's shocking if they actually offer this! I think maybe go for a meal take little un with you then do what you wanted in first place and watch fireworks from your room :)
I'm not even sure if it is popular. Needless to say I have told hubby that we won't be using the service and we will stick with our plans.

Thanks again for all your replies, really interesting to see everyone's opinions x
I'm not even sure if it is popular. Needless to say I have told hubby that we won't be using the service and we will stick with our plans.

Thanks again for all your replies, really interesting to see everyone's opinions x

Hope you enjoy your night whatever you decide to do xx
Not a chance, just have little one in their pram with you, they should sleep and you can enjoy your evening without worrying
I never would. You don't know who works for that hotel or what they have or are capable of. I know that they may have to have a CRB, but tbh even that has proven to be of no use in some situations. I wouldn't ask a stranger off the street to watch my LO and IMO think that this type of thing is the same principle. For me aswell there are alot of other reasons. I would worry that the baby monitor could go out of range, or be turned off. Also as we will be using a sleep apnoea monitor, if the alarm went on that then there wouldn't be enough time for me to get to my LO if they stopped breathing (I'm not saying that this is whats going to happen if a child is left alone, this is just what I fear for myself).

Even if it were safe, I think it would be pointless as I don't think a stranger could settle LO and if it was an interest to them they would be a childminder, not a hotel worker.

I love the sound of your NYE plans, very nice! I'm sure you will all have a lovely night!! x
I didnt realise they still did this?!?! I remember thinking it was dodgy when I was a kid and that was in the 80's!!
I dont even like the idea of the hotel arranged baby sitters tbh!! Think your original idea sounds lovely tho!!

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