Hot water bottles


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2010
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Are these safe to use on pregnant bellies?

I had such bad cramps yesterday, I was almost doubled over in paina nd a hot water bottle was all that would ease it as I am not taking any paracetamol till I am out of Tri 1.
Hmmm I just replied to this but its not here....bloody phones lol

My midwife suggested I use a hot water bottle to help with the aches so id say its ok
i have just been doing it a bit cooler than normal
You're better using a wheat bag as they are a little cooler than hotwater bottles or having a warm bottle lol. x
hey i am sure its fine i used it with water from tap rather than kettle so then its not so hot!! :) good luck. i dont understand your worries with paracetomol in first tri i didnt until a headache came and my for head stick wasnt touching!! good luck and i hope it helps!!
I've been having really painful hips for the past 6 weeks or so. When I was at my midwife appointment last week I asked her if I could put a hot water bottle on my back and she said thats fine. I use water from the kettle but make sure I've got a couple of layers of clothes between me and the bottle. xxx
I've just been using them a little cooler than usual, or wrapping them in a blanket. I'm sure their fine to use :) xxx

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