Hospital on Xmas Day - would just be my luck !!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Bubs is officially due on Xmas day, and whilst both hubby and i (and all the family by the sounds of it) have been secretly hoping he will arrive early, i have a feeling it will be just my luck to be in hospital on Xmas day and have to eat crappy hospital Xmas dinner with a load of people i dont know, with a lack of midwives, etc etc. Supposedly only 3% of babies arrive on their due date but i BET i'll be in the small minority as usual

Then AFTER xmas i'll have the job of travelling to all my grandparents, etc, to introduce their grandson, because they will have all gone home (miles away) after Xmas

For some reason ive had the date of the 18th December popping into my head but i'm not sure why ......... here's hoping its an important baby birthday. :rotfl:

Anyone else guessing they'll be in on Xmas day :roll:
i havnt had a christmas baby but my eldest son was born on the day he was due, good luck hun :wink:
I know im gatecrashing from tri 2 but when i had my son i was admitted to hospital the week before christmas with pre eclamsia i begged the midwifes to let me go home christmas day and i was back again boxing day untill i was induced on the 30th when i had my son...i was also in for new year and as my son was born 1999 it was the millenium :(
Hope your little one make an appearance soon :hug:
I'm due on the 27th - i have been hoping baby will arrive well in advance of that date, thought it would be nice to have it done and dusted before christmas. But it would also be my luck for it to come 2 days early!!
I WANT IT OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:wave: all my family is in the Czech Republic. I don't have anyone in the UK so would spend my Xmas with my DH alone anyway. I am not really bothered when my LO arrives as long it's before 8th Jan when my mum is coming over for a couple of weeks. If I was back home I wouldn't really want to spend Xmas in hospital. Good luck, hopefully your LO arrives earlier. :hug:
I know how your all feeling, i am supposed to be going down to my mums for crimbo which is 120 miles away and my midwife last monday said they would let me go up to the 27th of dec :eek: i really dont know what to do about christmas now :( :( :( :( :(
i had my 3rd on xmas eve, luckly i was allowed home after 6 hours, otherwise i would have spent xmas day in hozzie, my son was due on the 5th january though
I'm due 19th - if I go 6 days over, it will be xmas day - sounds entirely possible to me! :(
well i'll definately be in for Xmas now :wall: I KNEW IT :lol:
Induction booked for next Tuesday
Don't jinx yourself ladies!

When i was pregnant with Jack i had a lady due the same day as me, 15th Jan and she made a joking thread about who'll have the xmas day baby.

Guess who it was!! :lol:

It can easily happen
ill be joining that fashion i to will be spending crimbo in hozzie by the looks of it , its the new in thing apparently lol :rotfl: :rotfl:

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