hospital bag


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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i just started packing it, this is what i've got so far:

- pajama's for me
- 3 vests
- 2 sleepsuits
- 1 pram suit
- 2 hats
- 5 nappies (they were all freebies, i've got more, should i pack them?)
- wipes
- breast pads
- disposable knickers

i know i need to pack a towel, soap, face wipes & lipbalm, but i haven't got those yet.
do they give you something to give birth in? or should i be bringing a big tshirt?
have i missed anything? :)
I have been told to take at least 1 pack of maternity pads, i am also taking a big nighty to give birth in. On my list it also says take a pack of nappies. I have a list of things suggested to take from when i went to my antenatal classes do you want me to scan it and post it on here for you hun?
hun take at least 2 nighties in case if you labour natural 1 will be ok but if you end up having a section and you only have pjs they will leave you in just a pj top for 1st 24 hours :oops: xxxxxxx
I would take a couple of nightshirts or big t shirts just incase you bleed lots and it leaks. I've taken some cheap knickers aswell as the disposable ones as ive heard alot of people hate the disposables. Also slippers or big socks to walk around in and a dressing gown.

Oh and dont forget a camera with spare batteries.

Claire x
I have in my bags lol (bags as the one I bought wasnt as big as I thought lol so needed two!)

1 nightie (for labour) and 1 PJ
slippers and socks
5pk disposable knickers
dressing gown
deodorant, toothbrush and paste, soap, shampoo & conditioner (all small travel versions)
Pk maternity towels
Baby towel (just in case? Cant remember if I need to take this tbh lol)
3 babygors,
3 vests
coming home outfit
hat, mitts and socks
10 nappies

I think thats it?! :think:
Oh and I need to put in nearer the time,
Money for parking
food hahhaha I need a sandwich and a lucozade!! ;) (Hey I hope you can eat when you have an epi?! If not I'll eat them first haha)
I haven't packed mine yet :oops: but I'm hoping for a home birth anyway :D

I'm going to pack:

For labour:
1 t-shirt for labour
lucozade tablets
bottle of water (+ straw)
chocolate & crisps
hair ties

For me afterwards:
1 pair PJs
1 nightie
pack cheap cotton pants
pack maternity pads
pack breast pads
dressing gown
wash bag

For baby:
2 vests
2 babygros
pack nappies
cotton wool

I'm not entirely sure how it works going into hospital, so I'll do 1 bag for labour and 1 for afterwards just in case.
i would take more nappies as i believe they only give you the first one now.
My midwife said not to take nappies or pads as they supplied them.
Im worrying about what size clothes to take for bubs. Midwife says she feels big.....what the hell does that mean whats termed as big these days.
Heres the list ignore my little notes at the bottom for things for me to take for Daryl lol

I am taking all thats on the list and a few other things and to fit it all i am taking a mini suitcase for me, an overnight bag for baby i am taking 2 lots of clothes 1 set newborn size and another set in 0 - 3 months lol, chaning bag for baby, and a mini rucksack for stuff for Daryl Looks like i will be planning to stay for a month lol :D

Hope the list i added helps everyone :D
i packed a whole suitcase of things.. i used:-

The t-shirt i arrived in.. (vest top)

pj bottoms i arrived in..
1 pair of knickers
baby grow and vest

forgot towel, so dried myself with paper towels lol..

had DS at 2:45pm so went home same evening (after being very annoying and preswading them)

take as much as you think hun, i was lucky..

they put ur LO in nappy.. and pop a towel between your legs after birth..

your close to meetin ur LO.. :hug: xx
charlotteheys85 said:
forgot towel, so dried myself with paper towels lol..

Do hospitals not supply towels after giving birth?
All hospitals are different so check what they supply so you don't bring what you don't need. Ours supplied cotton wool, little tubs to put water in, nappies, towels and pads.

TBH our top and tail bowl never saw much use at home and it's definitely not something I'd take to hospital.
daftscotslass said:
All hospitals are different so check what they supply so you don't bring what you don't need. Ours supplied cotton wool, little tubs to put water in, nappies, towels and pads.

TBH our top and tail bowl never saw much use at home and it's definitely not something I'd take to hospital.
I was going to say the same thing!? :think: (I keep doing this lol) I cant see why they would want you to take a top and tail bowl!?
Or even talc?!
Some hospitals do give you nappies some dont etc! Worth taking just in case!

Chickadee not many babies go straight to 0-3 months! I would definitely go for newborn! My biggest was 8lb 9 and was in newborn for a good few weeks!
^^ yeah, i agree with that. my best friends son was 6lb's odd & he was in early baby clothes for a week or so!

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