hospital bag.....


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2007
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i know there have been loads of these posts in the past and im sorry to bring it up again butttttttt

i packed my bag at about 30wks as everyone said baby would be early, yeh right lol

anyway i only threw some stuff in as i was never planning to go in2 hospital as was having a home birth

i am now being induced and have been told i will be in for about a week more than likely so i need to pack some stuff properly

so ladies that have been in recently can you please help me :pray:
ill tell you what i have packed if that helps? i learned a lot from my first labour what to and what not to pack!

In my bag:

2 pair pj bottoms
2 nursing vest tops with support (you might pack bras instead)
1 birth nightie
(this time im also taking another nightie to be induced in...)
4/5 pairs old knickers
socks (the wards can be cold on your feet)
i pair mat jeans and a top to travel home in

my washbag
a big dark blue towel (dont take a white one lol!)
bobbles for my hair during labour
my waterbottle for labour
mat pads and breast pads

what i did not need lastime but took anyway

for entertainment (coz im guessing being induced will take ages)
my ipod
my psp
my dvd player
a book

i took no entertainment stuff lastime and was sooo bored between visiting times when rhys was sleeping!

for baby jones im taking
5 sleepsuits
5 vests
3 pairs mittons
1 hat
a few muslin squares
cotton wool
a cardigan
a warmer outfit for going home

i can always get colin to bring more clothes etc if i need them.
oh and another really important thing!!!!

a seperate bag for dirty clothes like your birthing nightie and your babies sleepsuits and vests. i forgot this lastime and i had to put my horrible dirty labour clothes in my normal bag.. bleugh!
I'd personally take jogging bottoms, or some other loose fitting trousers over jeans just in case you tear etc or have stiches. No way could I get on anything like jeans or closer fitting after my labour.

Energy drinks and snacks. Lucozade was great for me. Bendy straws :)
Tezzy, the nurses should have offered you a plastic bag at least! Wards always have TONS of the water soluble ones for soiled sheets, etc and they're great to take laundry home in because you don't even have to take them out of the bag before you wash them! How mean! I always made sure the patients had them...

Just from my experience of working on a ward bring TONS of reading or something, because they are so boring, and almost all hospitals are stupidly hot, so bring summery clothes with a cardigan, robe or what ever you are comfortable with in the odd chance that they don't have the heat on all summer.
heres my list :

To Pack in Hospital Bag
For Labour
Loose nighty (for birth)
Change for food/drink
Lip salve
Chewing Gum
Birth Plan

For after Labour
Baggy trousers
Nursing tops from H&M for feeding in
Big Pants
Nursing Bras
Dressing Gown
2 Dark Towels
Small Makeup Bag
Wash Bag – Flannel, toothbrush/paste/shower gel/shampoo deodorant
Breast pads+ big sanitary pads
Digital Camera
2 comfy day clothes
Coming home clothes
Carrier bags
Books/mags to read on ward
Mobile Phone

For baby
Cotton Wool
3 vests
2 baby grows
baby towel
2 Blankets
coming home outfit
Muslin Cloths
Nappy Sacks
Teddy Bear
Sherlock said:
I'd personally take jogging bottoms, or some other loose fitting trousers over jeans just in case you tear etc or have stiches. No way could I get on anything like jeans or closer fitting after my labour.

Energy drinks and snacks. Lucozade was great for me. Bendy straws :)

actually thinking about it i went home im jogging bottoms lastime.. i will change my jeans to that instead!
Can't add much to the above but if you have them take a pair of cheap flip flops or crocs that you can wear in the shower. Despite being cleaned daily and after messyness reported you can always count on there being some sort of mingingness on the floors if you're in a shared room.

Oh, and a big plastic tumbler if you have one because all I got was a tiny wee plastic cup and that didn't really cut it!
great replies girls thanks loads

im in a bit of a panic about going into hosp/being induced so my heads everywhere and your replies have really helped :hug: :hug:
right ive been up town and i think i now have everything :D

if anyone thinks of anything else please let me know 8)
nice one Jo i had forgotton to pack them!!!
Right i had an extended stay i hossie i was not expencting it but i am so glad i packed as much a stuff as i did

Ok my bag

*We forgot to bring my body pillow the firs night i found i needed it and james brought it the next day
He also brought in my gym ball as the hospital one where a bit knackered

*A comfy change of clothes

* 2 maternity nighties (with buttons done the middle to get the breast out easily) i could have done with another one as i leaked so much it went through the pads :lol: so if this happend mabye go for the plastic backed ones to save your clothes

My comfy fluffy house coat and my moo cow slippers (hossie floors are cold)

*Both old knickers x 5 to throw after and pack of disposables the dispsables where a god send as i got sick of the knickers geting solied

*All 3 of my maternity bras (please get a few breast feeding bra i never got round to it and it would have been so handy!!! agian a few is needed as i milked throught the pads and the bras got covered)

*Re- usable pack of breast pads
*Pack of maternity pads (james needed to bring in the other pack as i bled quite a lot.

*Hair bobbles to keep my hair out the way and a hair band and a few hair slides

*Cooling gel pad for head and a mini hot water botttle well worth it for the pain and the sweating

*Flannel x 2 for face washing
*Mini shampoo
*mini hair conditioner
*mini deodrant
*mini shower gel
*mini body lotion
*mini hair brush
*mini toothpaste and brush

*Magicol face/ body cooling spray (GET IT ITS FAB)

*Coco butter massage cream lovely to ditract me from the pain and james give some lovely massages is smells yummy and lifted my spirits.

*A mini batteried fan LOVE THIS is helped a hell of a lot to cool me down :hug:

*A portable cd walkman
I download a load of my fave songs from the 80's and 90's and i also took all my fave albums in a cd bag to play on my walkman and to play on a cd player during birth


*Phone charger and my lord did i need it:rotfl: texting you lot wore my battery down :lol:

*Battery recharger

*Digital camera

* Snack
crisps, chocolate, fruit bars ect

Collier's bag
*2 hats
*2 set of scarch mits
*2 pairs of botties
*1 pair of socks
baby bath towel(never used it)
*3 Muslin cloths
*2 newborn, 0-3 long sleeved sleepsuits
*2 newborn, 1 0-3 short sleeved body grows
*Oudoor suit so go home in
*2 sleep grows i prefered them to the Hossi blankets easy in easy out

*Take both long and short i put Collier in a sleepsuit with a body grow underneath and took the sleepsuit of if collier was warm and put it back on if he was cold

*In the end James needed to bring more clothes in for collier as we had an unexpected longer stay was in hospital with Collier for 2 and half days and he had a few milky sicks down a few so bascialy james brought in each day what was needed

*10 nappies
i didnt get through them all as newborns i found dont go through as much as stated and the mid wifes used the hospitals own supply when they changed collier in the night when i was a sleep and they took him of to have his regular checks.

*Pack of wipes

*2 flannels

*Cotton wool balls to wipe Colliers eyes face, feets and hands

*small travel sized Sudocream

*you dont need lotions and postions at this stage so dont bother taling them i never needed them

*im sure there is more to add i may come back and do them later

hope its helpful :wave:
Water/Juice with straw as if you have gas and air your mouth gets soooooo dry! They didnt bring me ice cubes last time :x

And FOOD! Depends on what time you get to the ward if you get fed or if you sleep through meal time then you dont get a bean! Take some fruit, biscuits, anything to keep you ticking over. I cannot abide the smell of hospital food and wont touch it with a bargepole anyway so I asked OH to bring me some butties in :)

I'm surprised at all this stuff you take in. Last time I took 3 separate bags, one for labour, one for the ward and one for home and didnt use half the stuff. They provided towels, sanitary pads, blankets, cotton wool etc etc :?

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