Hospital Bag.....

paradysso said:
also why are you taking milk and bottles? they provide them in mini pre packed bottles if there needed. as you wont have any where to sterlise them if you did use them the once?

We were told to. I think the whole "pressure to breastfeed" thing is bad here and someone mentioned at one time that the machines with the bottles and milk in will soon be removed from the hospital. How on earth they can do that is beyond me but that's what we got told so we're going armed just incase!
Debbie, I am getting so excited for you now. I shall be keeping a very close eye on this forum and you over the next couple of weeks :wink: It really won't be long now.

How are you feeling regarding the birth?
Scared out of my pants! LOL

Don't get too excited! I could still (and probably will be) here in 3 weeks time :shock:
I always say the same thing re: hospital bag.

Get OH to pack it! trust me, you will not be in the mood for finding things he can't. I showed my OH where everything was in the bag for Mason's birth and he STILL didn't know where the nappy was for straight after birth, I was NOT in the mood for 20 questions about which pocket it was in!

Get Matt to pack it, as he'll be the one passing you stuff anyway :D
Assuming I have a normal delivery and stay in hospital, how many sleep suits/vest/nappies etc do you think I would need?
sunnyday said:
Not sure if you're planning to breast feed but if you are take some nipple cream. Lansinoh comes highly recommended! ... 8&mcb=core

I'm also packing flip flops so I can shower in them to avoid treading on the skanky floor!

Oh, I have 2 tubes of that so I will pack one and also great idea about the flip-flops! They will be going in the bag tonight. I have a thing about being barefooted on floors such as swimming pool changing rooms etc.. yuk!
i onloy used 2 things in labour , straws and a flannel !

straws are great for when u shout water like i did after a contraction lol

i so jelous u get to pack ya own bag , its one thing i actually wanted to do !

wouldnt bother with nappy cream , lelands 4 weeks and his still not had any on . cotton wool and water will be all u need !

btw ive used those steri bottles when i got caught out without a bottle , there great !

as for the top n tail bowl , mines sat on the changing table for 4 weeks and ive still not used it lol

they dont like u bath baby till at least a couple of days old .

can i ask , how the hell your fitting all that in lol
ive started to get things together for my bag and at this rate im gonna need a suitcase lol

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