Hospital Bag - Tips please


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2007
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I have been rather disorganised because we have done a house move end of last month and only just started to think of packing the hospital bag. Tonight we intend to go and do all the bits and bob shopping for me and DH.

If any of you have a list of what is essential, what you are taking would you mind putting a list down to help me out as I have the worst pregnancy brain, the laziest backside and no energy left with all the chores...

Unless there is a link somewhere that shows what one might need ready in the bag .....

thx in advance...
Here's my list (need to get round to actually packing it up!)

Birth plan
Dressing gown?
Thick socks
Old nightie/t-shirt
Massage oil
Lip balm
Watch (with second hand)
Books/games etc
Water spray/fan
Drinking straw
Hot water bottle
Change of clothes
Digital camera
Address book/phone change
Nursing bras
Breast pads
Maternity pads
Towels, hairbrush etc
Old pants
Ear plugs
Car seat
One going home outfit
2 - 3 babygros and vests
I'm trying to pack lightly because last time they told me I had too much and sent my bag home. :( i didn't have anything for labour like music, snacks, magazines etc. I'm going to pack thse things this time though. Im going to a different hospital so hopefully theyll be nicer.
Same with me, last time they moaned at how much stuff I had but I had been in hospital for nearly a week before I was induced. I didn't take any music/snacks etc in, no luxurys as such. just pack everything efficiently as you can.
thanks so much ladies...

thanks nicky...I have printed out your list and am off to tescos to see what I can get, add or need ....

I have taken a minimalist approach to my packing as my bag isn't that big! I am planning on coming home in the outfit that I enter hospital in as I doubt I will have lost much weight so will be in maternity gear. Also I will be wearing flip flops so I won't be taking slippers as I figure they can double up if I need to wander around during labour or on the ward.

Changing bag for Oscar

10 disposable nappies
Cotton wool
3 x muslins
Sample pot of sudocrem
3 x pairs of scratch mitts
3 x hats
3 x vests
3 x sleepsuits
1 x going home outfit and booties
1 x coat
Red book

My bag

Dressing gown
Pack of 5 cheap knickers
2 x packs of maternity pads (10 in each)
1 x pack of breast pads (40)
2 x nursing bras
2 x towels

This is as far as I've got.

I will be adding

Maternity notes
A book
Toiletries and hairbrush, toothbrush etc.

I figure OH can pack his own bag if he wants one!

Also going to pack a spares bag in case we stay in longer than a day with extra maternity pads/breast pads, clothes for Oscar, nappies etc.
WrigleysBextra said:
I'm trying to pack lightly because last time they told me I had too much and sent my bag home.

:shock: That is awful!! I had 2 bags with me, a small one with Aimees clothes and a big-ish one with my clothes and everyone who lifted it commented on the weight of it. I felt embarrassed by it and just said 'you'd think I would going on holiday for a week!'. However I was kept in for 5 days in total and I needed all those clean PJ's and clothes so at the end of the day I was glad of it.
We were on about 5 different wards and poor OH had to drag all the hospital bag stuff around after Isaac and me so I'd say just do the essentials, all being well you will be in and out the same day, have a second bag you leave at home for OH should you and baby stay later in hospital. That's my advice, I packed my bag the day I went in as I never intended on going :lol: I found my Nintendo DS, magazines, music CD's etc all a waste of space, most important items are baby's clothes obviously, a mobile/camera/camcorder, comfy bra and pants, dressing gown and slippers (big ones in case your feet/ankles swell up after the birth :wink: ) and drinks and snacks :D
Thanks again ....nice choice of items...

Are we actually allowed electronics in the ward? I know we cant use our mobile phones in the ward but what about music systems like ipod etc..maybe mobile phones are allowed in labour ward?

I think I will pack DH's bag because he will panic so much he will not even bother!

Good idea for the second bag, will leave that packed and in boot.

All of this seems so real now - I am actually getting so excited, its like packing bags going on hols..except it might be a little more adventurous ..ha!
Mildly said:
I have taken a minimalist approach to my packing

So have I, I refuse to pack one!! :lol:

Seriously I will have one with a change of clothes, a book, toothbrush/paste, decent soap,pads and LO outfit/nappies.

Then a reserve bag if I have to stay in, as DH brought me thongs in when I asked him last time to bring me more pants :roll: this will have a couple of changes of clothes in,something entertaining like more books and lots of big nipple hugging granny pants :lol:
Pack a "spares" bag that stays at home, more clothes for you and baby, more nappies, sanitary towels etc
This saves you making a list for your OH if you have a longer stay, and having him run around and pack a new bag to bring :)

You can take electronics yeah, I know mot ladies here also do sneaky texting ;)
You were very welcome to have a mobile phone on the pre and post labour wards in our hospital, I've never heard of it being disallowed anyway :)
We are allowed mobiles on CDS but not on the ward, although we have premiere bedside internet/phone etc by the bedsides in the ward!

Our delivery rooms have TVs with VHS as well and they provide stereos with CD players too. I think if you want your ipod you'll need to power it off batteries (speakers too) as anything that needs to be plugged in needs to be PAT tested.

I was quite excited packing my bags too :D
My little luxuries are going to be:

Ipod & speakers (thanks for tip abut batteries)
Aromatherapy candles (hoping they won't be declared a fire hazard)
Lucozade, Ryvitas, Oranges, M&S Pretzels

Am taking two separate small bags - one for me, one for baby. Baby's little wheely case will stay in the car until we need it so I will turn up looking as though I've travelled light!

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