hospital app


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2007
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have a hospital app tomorrow - not looking forward to it casue i need to convince the consultant to do my section at 38wks (rather than 39) im sure he'll think that i imagine im booking into a hotel :shock:
Also - what do you think - i had that restless legs thing and went to the doc - he wouldnt give me quinine (thats what people here had said) but did give me sleeping tablets - tramazipam 10mg :shock: - i had got to the stage that i didnt care and have taken them the last 3 nights it has been great after 3 weeks of little sleep but do you think i should mention it to the consultant tomorrow - or should i just not rock the boat????
Maybe the fact you need sleeping tablets to get some rest will assist with your request for an earlier c-section. :think:

I think it best to mention it to the consultant anyway.

Good luck with your appt. :hug:
If you want Quinine - it's in bitter lemon and tonic water. I drank loads at one stage when the twitchy legs drove me up the wall. Worked too!
i was going to try the tonic water but i have IBS and cant drink anything with bubbles (gas/wind etc) - could i let it go flat? How much would i need to drink? How long before bed?
I supose you could let it go flat, the quinine is still going to be there. You can also dilute them with stuff, i used to drink it with half orange juice (really refreshing)
I'm not sure how much - but i got a real taste for both of them and then seemed to stop drinking it without realising it. To be honest i think my body craved it while i needed it and then when the problem went away i just didnt fancy drinking it.

So listen to your body.
i'll try it tomorrow night - dh will be off on sat - that means if i stay awake most of fri night cause it dosent work then i can still get a bit of a snooze on sat :D

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