Horrible Questions!


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2012
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I'm about to ask some really horrible questions about miscarriage so if you don't want to hear them, please leave the page now.
I don't wish to upset or offend anyone, but I'd rather ask here where I trust you ladies, than ask google which is full of scary rubbish most of the time!

As some of you already know, a week ago yesterday I found out at my 12 week scan that my baby had stopped growing at 8 weeks.

I have chosen to wait for my miscarriage to happen naturally and until this morning, nothing had happened. **TMI ALERT** This morning when I wiped, there was some brown blood on the tissue and when I wiped again there was pretty much nothing. I've been checking all day and there has been no more until just now when the same thing as this morning happened.
I have been feeling the odd twinge in my abdomen and back but this has been going on for months. Before I found out about this, I put it down to my uterus stretching.
So my question is: Is this likely to be the start of my miscarriage? Or could this just stop? What should I expect next? I know it's going to be painful and messy, but should I expect sudden pain or will it come gradually? Will bleeding start slowly like a period, or will it start really heavily from the beginning?

I haven't really given much thought to it and was just waiting for it to start so it can be over - and I wasn't even feeling that scared. But now, this brown blood has hit me like a train and I've just realised that this really is happening and it's probably happening really soon and I have no clue what to expect or what to do!
It's hard as everyone's different and mine started at 8 weeks ish but with me it was blood when I wiped then got worse and worse till I had to wear a pad then basically went into a horrible period. Took about 4/5 days from when I first noticed the blood to get progressively worse into a full blown type period . Hope ur ok zx

Mum of Owen. Born 11/7/11 @ 19.17pm weighing 7lb 12 oz :)
I'm so sorry your going through this x
I first had brown blood when I got home from the 12 wk scan having found out. It carried on pretty much the same for 5 days with some mild cramps until I wimped out and had an erpc on day 6. I think it varies from person to person though so I'm afraid there are no answers. I hope it all goes as easily as it can for you xxxxx
So sorry for your loss :hugs:

I had natural at 12 wks, started off with brown blood then red blood but no pain. That was on Monday then on thursday morning I started having severe pain got up at 5am but nothing really there. Couple hours later there was tissue (tmi was stretchy) then another hour so I went to the toilet and the sac came out :( it was a shock as I didn't feel it. I bled for 5 days after then a follow up scan showed cervix had returned to normal.

Mc varies and my first mc was bleeding for 4 weeks so there's no definite. I think def take pain killers, wear sanitary towels, no tampons & really look after yourself and get lots and lots of cuddles from your oh. Eat chocolate & have a good cry if when you want one.

I'm really sorry ur going through this but as the others say its really one of those we just don't know when or how much pain u will have it can be from days to weeks and even months for some and from some mild pain to realy strong right up there pain and not much bleeding to realy bad, that's the only thing we just don't know, I went through medical managed with my first a whole day of pain,bleeding and pretty much torture the shoe day and still my body would not give up my pregnancy :-( the next one I had I went for eroc cos I just couldn't go through it again, I realy hope its over soon for you my lovely take care xxxx
Hi Juice,

Firstly, I am so so sorry for your loss.

I found out I'd had a missed miscarriage on Friday, I was meant to be 11.5 weeks but only measuring 7 and no HB.

Hopefully I can help with what I was told/have experienced so far.

Before I went to the EPC I had had some spotting which sounds like what you're experiencing now. There was a little tiny bit of brown blood on Tuesday night, then nothing till wednesday night when there was a little bit of red spotting. This continued on Thurs and Friday morning but it was very little. I had an internal scan and the nurse advised then that I wasn't bleeding very much at all. Despite my body having begun to start to accept the failed pregnancy, which is what seems to be happening you now, the Dr said it could still be 2-3 weeks before I would start to miscarry properly on my own. So I hope this provides you some idea of how long it could potentially take but again everyone is different.

In my case because my body had started to accept it I decided to take the tablets to try and help things along. I took them on Friday afternoon and passed the sac yesterday at lunchtime. i have to say for me this was extremely painful for the 20 mins it took to pass the sac but I have heard again it can be very different for different people so I would say that a natural mc would be the same. For me I am glad that the worst seems to now be over.

I really am so sorry for what you are going for, please just message me if you have any questions.
Hello petal,

Sorry you are going through this...

I miscarried last year at around 9 weeks. It started on the Friday with brown blood just on wiping as your describe....this carried on for a couple of days and then the pains started. like severe period pains that were coming in waves. Then I was woken by a sharp pain and there was red blood on wiping. I then suffered about an hour of really severe pain and i passed the sack and tissue all in one go.

I was scanned a couple of days later and they confirmed there wasnt much more tissue to come...

I bled for about a week, but it was just like a normal period...not heavy at all.

Some people can bleed very, very heavily so if you do start to bleed and you are at all worried about the amount, then seek medical advice...

Hopefully you will have it relatively 'easy' like me.

You will get over this too....I promise. YOu will never forget your little bean but it does get easier....

I went on to have a little girl...take care sweetheart xxx

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