horrible horrible stretchmarks


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2006
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before i got pregnant i wasn't overweight, never had any issues with my body, i was a size 12-14..wore tight tops n nice jeans n matching belts n shoes always looked good and felt confident, nice big bottom n boobs curvy hips :( nw its all gone downhill, i have huge thick purple stretchmarks on my thighs running down my legs :( have them on my boobs 2..also all the way up my hips..none on tummy yet, i feel so depressed, i know ive ate junk al the way through my pregnancy..using it as an excuse to eat what i want, and now i feel terrible about myself :cry: i hate my body and i am paranoid that my boyfriend willleave me because hesnoticed them. ive tried everything bought a £10 bottle of bio oil which claims to reduce the appearance of scars and stretchies..also cocoa butter stretchmark cream..i just feel so low, anyone have any ideas on what i can do to stop snacking on junk? ive started a food diary to keep track of what im eating i just dont know what to do :( xx feeling so fat and ugly
aw hun :hug: im sure your OH will be fine about it. its part and parcel of being pregnant im afraid.

your taking the right steps to improve them.

the food diary is a really good idea. it will help you assess what you eat, and help you to eat more healthily.

try starting with having say an apple day, with a serving of veg with your tea.

for snacking try having carrot sticks close by, or nutrigrain bars. as there yummy :)

good luck hun
I have a fruit basket on my desk which I keep topped up with apples, bananas and oranges. Also - a pot of mixed nuts and dried fruit from Julian Graves (health food shop) which is nice. Includes cashews and hazelnuts, dried bits of mango, banana, raisins etc... which I try to eat.

BUT - One thing I have noticed is people I work with are constantly bringing in cakes and biscuits now I am pregnant.
I am the only office based person here - everyone else hot desks, so different people are here every day and they keep on bringing stuff in for me, which is sweet of them, but I am eating more stuff like that than I ever did before.
They will improve with time and you will forget about them eventually. You have youth on your side so your skin should recover more quickly than if you were older.
I agree with hellokitty. I had stretchmarks a couple of years ago, and they faded to nothing in time, so try not to worry about it too much.

I was the same as you when i was pregnantw ith Kiara although i got the majority on my bump and behind my knees. I used ot always wear skirts and a friend of mine mentioned it the other night how i always wore skirts and now i dont since i had her. The stretchmarks will nto go away but even though i am pregnant again they have faded so i know it seems ages away but in a few years time im sure they will hardly be noticable
:hug: Katrina
You mustn't diet but you could cut out the junk and try to eat more fruit and vegetables. Also drinking a lot of water helps to make you feel "full" and flushes through the system so that will help.

To be honest though, I think the stretchmarks are just part and parcel of pregnancy, your body is changing to incorporate your baby. It will never be the same as it was before... that's natural.

Your stretchmarks will fade in time and they could end up really pale silver in a year or two. Keep them well moisturised which might help.

If your OH leaves you because of stretchmarkes :doh: then you are better off without him.

Talking to girls at work ( i work in operating theatres surrounded by mums and nurses) they say baths are good way of reducing the chance of stretch marks and also helping them to fade obviously not hot but fairly warm baths regulary can really help the skin supple up

I wish that was true Rachx i bath every single day and it still got them ? but maybe its just the same as lotions works for some ladies and not for others :)
I too have gone from being a curvy 12 with smooth skin to a whale with a purple bottom/thighs (I've even got them on the back of my calves now!!!). I got quite upset at first, and was a bit worried the first time I put on a swimming costume (I got one with shorts bottoms to cover up as much as possible!). I just can't be bothered to get stressed about it now though, I figure it's all worth it for the baby I'm going to have in a couple of weeks!

I have had a couple of 'moments' with OH, I even forbade him to talk to any girl at work who didn't have stretch marks for a while (I think he possibly ignored me!!!)! It's just pregnancy irrationality that makes you think he won't find you attractive any more. Just think if the roles were reversed you would still love him just as much.

Sorry this probably doesn't help, just think about baby and you'll feel better. :hug:
While the strechmarks are red or purple keep using your bio oil, its when they go light that they cannot be tamed, but to be honest they fade over time. I have a skin type which is susceptable to strechmarks. My mum took me to the docs at 9 years old because i had them down my legs and i was a normal healthy kid, i wasnt overweight at all. The doc said i just have that skin type. They do fade to small silvery lines and eventually i stipped being bothered by them.

Think of them as service srtipes for your amazing child :D
Sabrina said:
If your OH leaves you because of stretchmarkes :doh: then you are better off without him.

Just what I was thinking!! he is going to end up one very lonely old man if he cannot accept a woman with stretchmarks!

I have been putting palmers cocoa butter on every morning and bio oil at night and over the past two weeks have got two massive patches of stretch marks either side of my stomach!

They are so awful and make me feel so ugly! What a waste of time and money.


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