

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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Is anyone winning the battle against the evil horrid things????

Even though I'm quite big now I used to be bigger and although I never had red/purple stretchmarks when I lost the weight I did have silvery streaks.

I'm rubbbing some creams and stretchmark oil in my tummy but I'm really not a pamper type of girl (I don't even take my makeup off to bed!! :oops: ) and I never put on moistureiser or anything so remembering to do it is proving a challenge.

At the minute I don't have any new or dark stretchmarks but i think because I have the silvery lines I will probably get them and I was wondering if any of you knew of any miracle cure for them that doesn't involve me having to remember to rub in creams twice a day!!

no but would love to know anyone who has a cure lol - iv had silvery stretch marks since i was at school, although i have never been more than a size 12 i used to wonder why i got them, im guessing im prone to them so will more than likely get them while pregnant although havent got any yet! :pray:
In Wilkinson there is something called Rescue Oil which is next to the Bio oil and looks very very similar. It's about a quarter of the price.

I've been using it every night and so far no stretch marks (not anymore than I had anyway).
When I was PG with my son I used Clarins oil and didn't get any stretch marks. I am using the same again this time and am hoping that I don't get any!! It's quite pricey but I would defo recommend it.

This is best applied after drying from a bath or shower so that's when I apply it - I am a moisturising girl so I just add it into my routine :D

I am using the bio oil about 4 times a day and guess what its still not working :(
I have some real dark purple squiggles appear on my sides, i am starting to believe that if your going to get them then there is nothing you can do about them.
I use bio-oil after my bath every day on my stomach and currently its stretch mark free.

I've also started using it on my thighs and bum cos i found some faint but purply ones at the very top inside of my leg!!
i thought i had with DS i didnt get any up to 39 weeks preg then got them all in that last week before he was born
I use Palmers cocoa butter balm every now and again because it makes me smell like chocolate and simple moisturising cream at other times. No idea whether this will help prevent stretchmarks. Most people do tend to say that it is the last week or so of pregnancy that brings them on!
I've treated meself to a tub of Sanctuary Mum to Be body butter - it smells absolutely lush!! I was gonna get bio oil but am using this more to help stretch out my old c-section scar and relieve the ache so the pharmacist in Boots recommended the body butter instead and i have to say its doin the job brilliantly. I got more stretch marks from puttin on loadsa weight after having my son than i did during the actual pregnancy. Maybe if you don't wanna be bothered with creams n oils - just get some really lovely stuff for the shower and sanctuary set came from boots and has shower oil and bath salts which are both said to soften your skin. Or if you can't be bothered with that even - just rub some baby oil over your bump when you get outta the shower :) I don't think there is a way you can keep your skin supple without moisturising in some way or another really. Getting oily fish into your diet may help like mackerel or sardines - i dunno if evening primrose oil is safe to take in pregnancy but if it is then a supplement of that may help to keep your skin a bit smoother :) xxx
Moisturising your belly/boobs etc will help things but they do say it's more down to genes than anything whether or not you get stretch marks in pregnancy.

I used Palmers Cocoa Butter all through last time and I'm using it this time. I never got any stretch marks first time around but I didn't go full term, I had my baby at 35 weeks so perhaps that saved me.

I wouldn't take evening primrose oil at this stage of pregnancy, I've read somewhere that it's not recommended until 36 weeks +. Some people use it as a natural remedy to start labour as it's a source of prostaglandins which gets your cervix ready for labour.
Ive been using palmers cocoa butter whch i used in my first pregnancy i didnt get any on my tummy but got them everywere else (legs, boobs etc) i think if your going to get them youll get them whatever you put on and whatever you spend, by moisturising i think it makes them not so severe???

I dont have any new ones yet, but all mine appeared literally the last week of my pregnancy last time x x x
MissGobby said:
no but would love to know anyone who has a cure lol - iv had silvery stretch marks since i was at school, although i have never been more than a size 12 i used to wonder why i got them, im guessing im prone to them so will more than likely get them while pregnant although havent got any yet! :pray:

Same here but I've never been bigger than a size school I was AWLAYS no more than size 8 because I had trouble putting on weight :think: Go figure...
My friend used almond oil and bio oil, try some almond oil if you aren't prepared to spend out on the bio oil. I have some oils left over from my aromatherapy course, and alomond oil is one of them. I'll let you know if it works for me.

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