Horrendous leg cramps **Updated** Good News!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2007
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Hi everyone,

Well went to my Dr's yesterday morning and after a very thorough examination of my legs - and allot of tears on my behalf - she sent me straight to a&e with a referral letter. Arrived and they told me I needed to be on a ward - the walk nearly killed me lol - and when I arrived there no one knew I was pregnant!!!!!

So off I was whisked to labour ward where I had a canular put in - very sore and my bloods taken. After speaking to Registrar they said they could not rule out DVT's in both calf's - by latteral they said. So I was given a loading dose of Fragmin to disperse any clots that were there and booked for a scan at 4pm.

I was so worried, I was on my own and surrounded my women who had literaaly just given birth or who were in the throws of labour!!! Very surrell environment. Anyway I was taken for my scan and there was no signs of any clots - I was so relieved.

I am still in allot of pain and finding it very hard to walk BUT I can cope in the knowledge it's not DVT'S. I had brilliant care yesterday, in fact they were wonderful.

Sorry for the ramble - again!!! Thanks for all your replies girls

Hi girls,

Haven't been on in a while. I am suffering from terrible leg cramps, I'm now at the end of my tether with them.
Last night was the last straw, they have been affecting my right leg but it was my left one last night.

My lower part of my body feels like it belongs to someone else :cry:

I spoke to midwife about it on Wednesday and she wipped me straight into GP as I was limping so bad. GP thought it was a DVT!!

Today both my legs are stiff I can't sit for more than 5 minutes, I can't stretch my legs, I can't stand and trying to get up is terrible, I am so upset and frustrated and feel like a fool for writing this - so apologies girl's.

OH has tried massaging but it's too painful for him to touch them.

I have tried Indian tonic water and a banana before bed but it's not even touching the sides :cry: :cry: :oops: -
More bananas. Potassium intake is the thing. I used to chomp about 4 a day when my cramps were bad. And increased my water intake also. It did seem to help but alas its one of those things we can do little about it seems.

Hopefully it passes soon for you :hug:
So its not just me then.
I am getting painful spasms on the back of both m,y legs and buttocks.
When I am stood up its so painful to move in any position when it starts.
My pubic bone feels like its bruised badly, especially when I've been in one position for to long.
Not to mention the constant back ache.
Sorry to moan but I had to get that out lol.
I will be glad to get my body back I tell you.
Tonic water worked for me, but i had to drink it very regularly, not sure if it works for everyone, but i havnt had a cramp for weeks now, but when i did they were so bad i'd be limping for days afterwards too.

I hope you feel better soon :hug:
I was getting really bad cramps before being pregnant and eventually found that cutting out coffee worked. Since being pregnant the cramps came back. I have cut out all caffiene now and the cramps have gone. However I do like tea and coffee and so drink decaf but a couple of times I have forgotten to ask for decaf tea. Even if I just have a half cup of tea, the cramp is murder at night with all of the muscles in my legs being affected at the same time. Perhaps cutting out caffiene might help for you if nothing else is.
I was getting a few cramps in my feet at night and my doctor prescribed me Berocca tablets (drink) - apparently it is meant to do the trick - I can't really say one way or the other because my cramps seem to have stopped. I was told to have one Berocca drink a day - it's easy to get over the counter so might be worth a try :hug: :hug: :hug:
take magnesium, it's the best thing for cramps.....

hope you feel better :hug:
HI girls,

Thanks for your replies, I appreciate them :hug: :hug:

Have spent the day drinking tonic water and eating bananas both my legs are still so stiff and sore. At 4pm I got the most terrible burning sensation in my right calf it was quite scary :cry: :cry:

Think I will contact my GP tomorrow, I don't want to fill myself with tablets even though they take the edge of the pain.

Pregnancy eh? Oh the joys :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hi everyone,

Just an update, spoke to GP today and she wants to see me tomorrow morningt. She said I should only be suffering with a dull ache after the cramp episode for max 20 minutes. I explained that I am struggling to walk at the moment and she was shocked!

She said what happens is that immediately after cramp your blood gathers then disperses slowly over the 20 minutes but mine is not dispersing :shock: :shock:

Will update tomorrow after I've been

:hug: :hug:

Good luck tomorrow. I've had cramps in my calfs at night occasionally (if I move quickly after being asleep) and have had minor ones in my feet. With the calf cramps I found that it was sore for a day or two afterwards, not to the point that I couldn't walk though.

Hope they stop soon.
Good news that it isn't DVT :cheer:

Just take it easy though, it must be horrible being in pain :hug:

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