Leg cramps.....


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
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ouch OMG i woke up in the middle of the night with the most agonising leg cramp..my calf muscle was all hard and it was so painful!! :cry:

has anyone else had this? will it happen more? because i never want that again!!
How funny posted the same thing in the 2nd tri.

I also woke up last night with the same thing. I wanted to cry!!!!
Fran & Imwarr,

Oh yes, the lovely leg cramping!

The best way to avoid this happening is DON'T point your toes when you need to stretch your legs in bed - this automatically ticks off a cramp. If you want to stretch, make sure your toes are pointing up to the ceiling - found I never had them again after this. If you still feel you need to stretch them, stand up and do a big stretch.

The pain is unbearable I know......you feel like you're about to lose your legs eh?! :cry:

this drives me mad i get it all the time! i cant wait to have this baby just so i can get rid of all the horrible things that go with being pregnant!
I get this most morn with my right leg but as sasswa says point your toes up to the ceiling and that usually helps.

cool thanks girls...it was horrible and my legs have been aching all day!
i'm gonna go get some bananas and practice not pointing my toes! lol

i know what you mean bubble_dreamer i cant wait to get my baby out so all the horrible things will stop!
yea i get the cramps first thing in the morning and as the others have said its when you stretch... i always forget and do a big toe pointed one! if it happens again try getting up and putting your foot onto something cold... if the bathroom has a tile floor or something... helps a little... i also find it i feel it coming on... pull my toes up (to ceiling) don't know if it stretches or relaxes the muscle but it stops it...


Cramps are really common during pregnancy, they are normally a sign of dehydration so make sure you drink plenty in this weather hunny.

Take care

Kat x
I get this a lot and i think it could be related to low iron. I feel like an idiot jumping around in the middle of the night and and it really hurts. I still feel it a bit sore during the day if it has been particulary bad. It was one of those things I forgot about.
Ye really common but wot a pain.

when i get them, i feel as tho my legs are curling round to hit me on the back of the head. it kills and i have to get up to try stamp my feet, bloody horrible isnt it.

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