Hormones or Antenatal Depression or is it ME?


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Jan 2, 2012
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Hi there, Im 23 years old and this is my 1st pregnancy. I 33 weeks now and have absolutely HATED pregnancy from the start. At first it was the sickness and mood swings that got to me, I thought it was hormones and kept using them as an excuse for the horrible frustrating things that I would say to my husband or family & friends. But now I'm 7 months and I've really hit down to rock bottom, It started to get really bad in September when nothing seemed to cheer me up anymore & if it did I would start crying after laughing thinking to myself why am I laughing?. It sounds so weird but I really don't know how to deal with my emotions anymore, I've always been a person who's in control, after getting married 2 years ago I feel everything has gone downhill, I keep arguing with my husband and I really think its breaking us apart (It doesn't help when u have a husband who txt dirty messages to other woman and thinks it's acceptable either) it's like everyone around me is thinking the pains of pregnancy is normal and I'm over reacting but I 'm so terrified of giving birth & not trusting my husband. Is this normal?
oh hun, so sorry you are having a hard time. You should speak to your mw about it as you can get depression in pregnancy hun. Big hugs to you xx
Thanks, I spoke to her last week, she said make an appointment with my GP so I have an appointment on wedensday. I really didn't expect pregnancy would be this bad...
Hormones through pregnancy and for a while after are a nightmare! I cried for no reason and found it hard to control my emotions. I don't think it will help if ur in an unstable relationship. Ur pregnancy hormones make everything feel 100x worse than normal.

I'm still emotional now as i haven't been with OH a year yet and its difficult having a normal 'beginning' of a relationship with a stressy gf.

Maybe a chat with your doctor will help. I hope you start feeling better soon xx
Hormones through pregnancy and for a while after are a nightmare! I cried for no reason and found it hard to control my emotions. I don't think it will help if ur in an unstable relationship. Ur pregnancy hormones make everything feel 100x worse than normal.

I'm still emotional now as i haven't been with OH a year yet and its difficult having a normal 'beginning' of a relationship with a stressy gf.

Maybe a chat with your doctor will help. I hope you start feeling better soon xx
I have to admit I sailed through my pregnancy but know I was one of the lucky ones. I have a friend who, like you, hated every minute of it from start to finish. It is hard when your body is changing and you can't go out to blow off steam in the normal ways of letting your hair down.

It sounds to me like you are def experiencing some sort of exaggerated hormones which, combined with the annoyance that your hubby is sending texts to other women that you do not approve off, are possibly helping you to suffer from a form of prenatal depression.

There is a difference between feeling blue and suffering from depression, only you can decide where you come on the spectrum.

Try talking to your OH, you may find that it will help you to feel better if you have his support at such an emotional time in your life. Granted you may still not feel on top of the world but you will at least feel better if you feel he is going through this rough patch with you.

Try not to be too hard on yourself, crying/laughing and basically thinking you are going mad are really all par for the course in pregnancy.

Your doctor will no doubt help you to define whether you are depressed or not, be sure to make that appointment. I hope things get better for you soon xxx

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