

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Hey everyone,
I apologise now if this is really long. I have a 20 week scan on friday and we are very excited. We asked both sets of parents if they would like a pic of bump (kind of knew they would but asked anyway). My parents deffo want one, think they would be upset if we didn't get them one! OH's parents DON'T want one :(
They said they cost too much and so we said not to worry because we will pay for them and then they said they still don't want one! I felt quite upset by this and also angry. Am i being unreasonable? Is this just hormones making me extra sensitive? OK so this isn't their first grandchild but it is their first by us (hope that makes sense!) I just felt hurt by the fact they don't actually seem to care, they never ask about the baby and when we tell them bump has been moving they really don't seem bothered. My parents are completely different, always asking how bump is and wanting daily updates! I don't understand why OH'S parents have to be like that. I understand why his mum is because she is a selfish person anyway but I don't get why his dad has to be like that to, he's usually quite interested. I kind of feel like not many people care and that they are not bothered. Am I just being selfish and childish and hormonal? Sorry for the long post and the moan :oops: I don't mind if no one replies I just felt like a good rant and feel a lot better for it!
i dont think youre over reacting, id feel the same if either of our parents didnt want one... coz well youd think they would :? . and as for the expense here it is only £1 per picture so its hardly breaking the bank... :hug:
:hug: You're not over-reacting at all hun, I would be miffed too but try not to worry yourself too much, it's their loss if they're not interested.

My OH's mum is much like this too, only interested in herself and her husband. She phoned the other night, first time she's called since we told her our news last month. I answered and she didn't even ask how I was or how our scan went, nothing, just launched into a rant about her own health and how she's got a fluey bug and thinks her red and white blood cells might be unbalanced (she's not even been to a doctor :x )

When I eventually did get onto the subject of her first grandchild, she cut me off again and launched into a rant about how easy childbirth is these days, not like back when she had OH :evil: She drives us both scatty but we know how it is now so try not to let it get to us. Still drives me mad though, especially when she forgets OH's birthday (her only child :roll: )

Sorry, rambled into my own hormonal rant there :lol:

Take care hun, and don't let them get you down! :hug: :hug: :hug:
peanut1982 said:
My OH's mum is much like this too, only interested in herself and her husband. She phoned the other night, first time she's called since we told her our news last month. I answered and she didn't even ask how I was or how our scan went, nothing, just launched into a rant about her own health and how she's got a fluey bug and thinks her red and white blood cells might be unbalanced (she's not even been to a doctor :x )

Sorry, rambled into my own hormonal rant there :lol:

Take care hun, and don't let them get you down! :hug: :hug: :hug:

I've got a friend like that, I don't ring her anymore as she justs annoys me.

I don't think you're being unreasonable. Maybe they will be different when baby arrives.
Hi. I can relate to what you are saying. My OHs parents are the same. Think it upset me when i had my dd but this time i guess im not letting it bother me. Try to not let it get to you... easier said than done with all the hormones rushing about eh?

Take care

Thanks for the replies girls :hug:

Claire&Jack - your so right, it's not breaking the bank and you can't put a price on seeing LO healthy and active.

peanut - rant away! know what you mean about the health thing, she is exactly the same. always going to the doctors thinking she's ill but they can never find anything wrong with her!

Hazel - hope things will change when bump arrives

emsmum - am trying not to let it get to me but like you said not easy with hormones! :twisted: evil things!
oh hun, that is really weird! why on earth would they not want one. Get OH to have a chat with them. I would find that really upsetting!
dont feel too upset though...we want one :)
Aww hun! You're NOT being oversensitive, that would gut me too :( :hug: At least we're all supportive and excited for you, and most importantly, you have James by your side :hug: Stuff his bloody parents, they'll come round. Maybe they're just worried that they'll lose their son once baby is born?

If I were you I'd just leave them out like they've asked... I think it sounds as though they want to be NEEDED but are going about it in a stupid way :shakehead:

Hugs to you sweetie, you just focus on seeing your beautiful baby! :cheer: xx

Unfortunately some people are just the way they are. My dad hasnt even spoken about the pregnancy and if i mentioned giving him a picture he would also say no. My mum is more involved though.

My dad wont ever change. It annoys me at times but im not gonna let it spoil my excitment.

You enjoy your pregnancy and just take it with a pinch of salt (hard wth the hormones i know!!)

Claire x
Im really sorry to hear this its sad and frustrating when people who should be interested in your pregnancy don't seem to be! I am really lucky in that my MIL is soo excited about this pregnancy, very interested and helpful but trying not to interfere. She has been to all our scans with us and is more suportive of me then my own mum alot of the time who is excited about baby but I often feel alittle out of sight out of mind.

The most important thing is that you and OH are excited about this baby and you do have the suport in the form of your parents if she doesn't show more interest and make more effort especially once baby is here then it will be her that misses out! :hug: :hug:
thankyou for your lovely replies dannii, nori and penstraze. :hug: :hug: :hug: your all so right. i should deffo just focus on my baby and enjoying my pregnancy.

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