Home water birth vs hospital birth

Thats fantastic, im only 5ft 3 although gal is 6 ft 4 so he may have to stay on the side lines but im sure hed like that better. Thanks for all the help i feel like ive got a better insight to what to expect now and i feel like its deffo what i wana do :cheer:


gave birth on a matress in the living room matress was covered in a shower curtain and sheet and towels


i had that one to.. it was fantastic xx
dont let other people scare u bout havin a home birth. i must admit i faltered a few times coz everyone always said stuff like "omg what if something goes wrong" like i was bein reckless grrr but honestly the MWs would rush u to hospital at the SLIGHTEST first sign of even a possibility of something going wrong.

i had a home water birth (well, not quite water birth i got out at the end) and i couldnt big it up more. i'd def do it that way again, hopefully stay in the water next time! good luck i hope it goes as you plan x
im smiling coz it wasnt painful between contractions.. it wasnt that painful till i got out of the pool.. 45 mins b4 he was born...
It was a bit tricky for me to vote. I went for a hospital water birth as that is what I had, but tbh I would rather go for (and if I have another child will definitely opt for) a home water birth.

For me the most stressful part of the labour experience was getting to hospital. I was pretty ok at home, listened to loads of calm music and relaxation CD (which I had been listening at the end of my pregnancy). I stayed in a shower for about 2 - 3 hours (water is fantastic as a pain relief!!!!) and really struggled to come out when it was time to go to hospital... The trip was pretty stressful (even though the hospital is only five minutes down the road) and having to have all the checks etc at that late stage just made it all a bit chaotic and I wasn't coping with it as well as I was at home. LO was out less than 30 minutes after arriving in hospital and the pool wasn't even full by then!!!

Once I finally got into the pool it was bliss!!! Hence I wish I had had the pool at home as I could have just calmed moved from shower into the pool...

Being at home is so much more relaxing, which can help the labour advance quicker (no guarantees here though!).

Even though I had a quick delivery and no complaints during that, but I found it a little daunting to stay in hospital afterwards.

Do what you feel most confortable with but my recommendation would be to opt for a home birth...

Good luck :hug: :hug: :hug:

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