Home/Water Birth


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Hello there,

Has anyone had a water or a home birth when diagnosed with GBS?

I was diagnosed at 10+3 and have to have antibiotics through an intrevenous drip once my waters break but I really wanted a water birth and if thats not possible then I would prefer to be at home than at hospital.

Trying to do as much research as possible to find out if these are options for me, so then I can hopefully convince the hospital to let me have the birth I want.
Didn't want to read and run, but I had a water birth (in hospital) and drip pain reliefs were out of the question, so I doubt you could if you have to be on a drip from your waters breaking. But I could be wrong.
Ermmm never heard of GBS ????? I've had 3 hB booked for number 4 (waterbirth at home)...Your instinct is most important....move surgeries if you need too, to get a doc whom supports you. See a homeopathist get rid of the GBS ???? then they have no argument. You can have the birth you want you may however have fight on your hands...ring an independant midwife and get their view????
Hope that helps
Abi :hug:
I'm not sure if Valentine would be able to help you on this one, maybe give her a PM, she's a moderator on here :) :hug:

Go to this website;

Click on the 'You can't have a homebirth because..' link, and then on the 'You have Group B Strep (GBS, Group B Streptococcus, Haemolytic Beta Strep)' link, lots of helpful info there :hug:

"Home birth is still an option after a positive GBS result. If you are booking with independent midwives then they will probably be very familiar with the condition. If you are planning a home birth on the NHS then you may have to be prepared to state your case clearly and firmly; remember that it is your decision. You may find that it helps to have relevant research and articles available to discuss with your midwives."

Also there is the http://www.gbss.org.uk/ website, which is full of information.

Very best wishes :hug:
I just found this for you and educated myself too...i did know what it was not the abbreviation. DEFFO see a homeopath get it sorted ( my son had a rare form of T.B, homeopathy got rid of it). Google Find a homeopath. They offer a sliding scale if you can't afford full whack.. they are all registerd and have had the highest standard of training on with the society, always look for the letters R.S Hom after their name if you know one local.

Here's the link i found for you regarding H.B and GBS

goodluck :hug:
Group B strep?

I dont mean to sound a total kill joy but no one can get 'rid' of it. Its a bacteria that lingers in the Vagina and needs to be treated with anti biotics while your labouring other wise it could be potentially dangeruos for you and your baby. More so the baby.

Ive never known anyone with GBS to be able to have a homebirth because it involves being connected to the drip.

I hope im wrong and you get your homebirth but will need a lot of support from your midwife.

Hope things work out for you.
I had a home water birth and actually had GBS at the time without my knowledge. I know this because I had a postnatal swab taken as I had sore insides a couple of days afterwards (just afterpains I think).

I was terrified of my baby developing a severe illness so kept a close check on her, but she was absolutely fine and if the bacteria did pass to her, then it didn't come to anything (key period is 48 hours after birth and can develop into serious illness anytime up to 1 month after birth). In a way, I'm lucky that I didn't get the results of the swab until about 10 days after the birth, which meant we were in blissful ignorance until then.

Anyway, if I was to get pregnant again, I'm not sure whether I would ask to be screened or not. Its a risk to give birth with the bacteria (which may not still be present when you give birth as it can come and go) but a low risk that a serious illness will occur in your baby. However, I desperately want another home birth as I had such a lovely experience with my first baby. I know that sounds reckless but I can't help how I feel. I guess you have to read up on the condition, the risks etc and make your decision from there.

Please read my birth story as it has some further info on my experiences in there.

Good luck hon.

Valentine Xxx
most babys born to mums with gbs never get ill..and many many women have gbs.. and british docotrs dont see the need to screen for gbs in pregnancy because most babys born are not effected.. every single womans entitled to a home birth.. i know this has nothing to do with it but my waters broke at 36+5.. officially 2 days to soon for a home birth.. and i was told to go into hospital.. i refused and wanted to stay home.. you can just plan for your home birth and tell your midwife im haivng a home birth bring antibiotics for me while im in labor.. its your body. your birth and not a midwifes.. officially they cannot let you birth at home on your own as its illegal (they ahve to witness the baby being born to say its yours for regestration etc)

good luck xx
i had a HWB but didnt hav GBS, i imagine if drips need to be involved u probably gotta go hosp tho? not sure sorry, hope u get the birth u want :hug:

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