Home birth or water birth?


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
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Has anyone used either of those methods? A friend of mine had a water birth for her first and she recommends it.

Anyone had a home birth or water birth?

If you were in hospital, did you go private or NHS?

I know its so early to ask but I like to plan ahead and soak up the info! lol :oops:

I had mine in an NHS hospital. It was ok but I found it not very restful in the postnatal ward and didn't like it when OH had to go home for the night so would like a home birth next time, or maybe private if we can afford it :think:
Thats why I would be more inclined to have a home birth for those reasons (providing the risk was v.low).

Does your baby get to stay with you all night? did you get a proper sleep?
Thanks! :D

Yep baby was in a cot by my bed. Didn't sleep at all lol, because she kept whimpering and didn't like the cot, and I find it hard to sleep at the best of times. Also, obviously the other babies in the ward were crying quite a lot.
elaine22 said:

I had mine in an NHS hospital. It was ok but I found it not very restful in the postnatal ward and didn't like it when OH had to go home for the night so would like a home birth next time, or maybe private if we can afford it :think:

snap.. hated post natal care.. and the fact that as soon as your made a family ur huby gets sent home.. bugger that..

this time im having a home water birth.. baby is head down.. and everything is set up to now.. just gotta keep my fingers crossed i dont get high blood pressure ect
wow cool, please let us know how it goes :D

theres so many options for mums now. :hug:
I had both! A home water birth. It was a fantastic experience and I delivered the baby myself!

My birth story is in a link in my signature if you'd like to read it and please PM me with any questions.

Valentine Xxx
elaine22 said:

I had mine in an NHS hospital. It was ok but I found it not very restful in the postnatal ward and didn't like it when OH had to go home for the night so would like a home birth next time, or maybe private if we can afford it :think:

LOL, scratch that, just looked up how much it costs. :rotfl:
i had both and big it up altho the water didnt quite go to plan. theres a link in my sig if u wanna read. good luck and look forward to reading urs xx
I've had three homebirths...still in two minds about a water birth ...but definitely having a homebirth again. Not sure about a water birth as basically...it ain't natural...i would labour in the water...but i think my instinct would kick in big time and i'd end up getting out for delivery.

P.M if you want further homebirth info ...eg your rights etc. :dance:

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