Home birth v hospital - if all goes well in pregnancy

Not everyone screams in labour Tadpole, I didn't, I never even shouted, but once in that experience you really won't be thinking 'who can hear' and you're going to feel more comfortable at home, stay at home and never mind the geography. We too are in a ground floor flat, and people walk by outside, but that thought never crossed my mind. But the maternity ward is an option for you, so if things don't feel comfortable on the day you can always transfer there, you have lots of options, very best wishes :hug:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 21:23 pm Post subject:
I would like a home birth but I live in a ground floor flat with terrible soundproofing. It's also in a small VERY quiet village on the road, (I use the term 'road' in its loosest possible sense). I would feel quite inhibited I think knowing everyone could hear me in labour. Well I guess realistically not EVERYONE, but my upstairs neighbour definitely would. And anyone out the front - which is llikely as neighbours across the road park outside. And most people have to pass my place on the way to the shop, school & pub. I would have to put a sign in the window saying "Don't call the police, I'm in labour not being attacked!" And I think it would mean having the windows closed - not nice in August. Luckily everyone I know who went to the local hospital had a really good experience. The maternity ward there is really nice and I can have a fairly 'hand-off' labour there. We know of 17 babies born there and not a bad birth amongst them.

Red shoes is quite right...I don't shout or scream in labour either....all that energy is directed inwards to help get that baby out in the most gentle way poss.....Giving birth where you are most comfortable is paramount....you may be surprised that when you go into labour you WANT to stay at home no matter what....so i would recommend booking in for a homebirth and then transfer to your local maternity unit if you feel safer when it comes to the crunch...its a lot harder refusing to go in when you haven't booked a homebirth...but the law states it is your right...they HAVE to send midwives if you want to birth at home...

Good luck do P.M me if you want any advice or reassurance :hug:
Abi x
do you have to book for a homebirth? i really really dont want to go to hospital, but im afraid i might have to if my baby runs late and has to be induced, like my mums and sisters did.
Yup you do. You need to inform your MW (if there are ones in your area that attend homebirths, if not you can find a private one), and she'll make arrangements. Not all areas have MW's for homebirthing, so you need to allow time to find out. I went with sooner over later for my options as I like to cover all the bases.

However, my MW also plans to leave my booking with the hospital incase I need to transfer they will have my notes etc to hand. That way also, if I change my mind 3 weeks before my due date, I'm also already booked for the hospital.

With regards to being overdue, she said they have a fair bit of leeway with things and it shouldn't be a problem if I run a fair bit late before going into labour. At least a week to 10 days before they may look at hospital for induction and so on.
:? booking could be a problem as i wont be in my home area til im 39 weeks :shock: (for the time being i'm seeing midwives as temporary resident in another district)

i guess i can call my home midwife nearer the time , say 35 weeks , and if needed travel to see her and book it so its booked ahead of me coming home....would that work? how soon in a pregnancy will they let you book it?
I'd call her now and see what their policy is. I'd not leave it till 35 weeks, but thats just me. I prefer knowing what my options are sooner rather than later.

It may be they are all booked up and simply won't be able to take someone at shorter notice, or they need to assess you and ensure they feel you are ok for a home birth.

And if LO arrives a bit early, you won't get the chance to get home to give birth, so there is also that to consider. Look into your options in the area you will be at that time.

I don't envy you with all the moving around every 6 weeks (I do admire you for it btw :) ), espcially with a baby on the way. I found moving once at the start of January bad enough and was so relieved to find a good GP and MW and so on and know I have time to get used to them and the way everything works here. I'd hate the thought of keep having to move and not having that continuity of care.
:? the reason i was thinking to leave it for now is, because i rang a birthing centre close to home and they said they didnt take bookings until they were midwife-referred after 36 weeks cos at 29 weeks, anything could still go wrong with the pregnancy (cheers for that lol)

thats why i assumed you could only get the go ahead for a home birth then aswell

and yes im well aware the baby might be early !!!! :? .....that would be most inconvenient :x if that happens it happens, i dont think i can really plan for that one unfortunately :?
Hmm birthing centres are a whole other thing though as I understand it :think:

My MW has booked me in for a home birth already, with the proviso I can change my mind up until the last minute or if something happens which means I need to birth in hospital.

I think each area if different and birthing centres different again. Only way to know I guess is to ask in the area you hope to be and find out their policy.

If you go the homebirth route, it may be different from the birthing centre again :wall:

Its a maze of unknowns :?

Good luck with it all :hug:
thanks, i think i will call her now then after all (well not now but tomorrow lol) and find out what i can organise :D

maybe i will try to organise a home birth at the earlier location aswellin case shes early. im just not sure they would plan for a birth for someone whos just travelling through :think: never mind no harm in asking :D
Redshoes said:
Not everyone screams in labour Tadpole, I didn't, I never even shouted, but once in that experience you really won't be thinking 'who can hear' and you're going to feel more comfortable at home, stay at home and never mind the geography. We too are in a ground floor flat, and people walk by outside, but that thought never crossed my mind. But the maternity ward is an option for you, so if things don't feel comfortable on the day you can always transfer there, you have lots of options, very best wishes :hug:

Thanks for that. I am going to try hypnobirthing as well - so a home birth is looking a definite possible.

I do have a question though, which may be a bit weird/obvious or something. How, umm, 'messy' is a birth? As in terms of cleaning up afterwards. I aim to be mostly standing/squatting as I think gravity is probably helpful! Would sheets be okay, or would I need plastic sheeting? Sorry if this is a really dumb question. I like to have all bases covered and tend to plan things with military precision.
Todays news:

Are mums-to-be well looked after?
Many women in England are being let down by poor and inconsistent maternity services.

The Healthcare Commission found that some areas didn't have enough midwives and that mums-to-be weren't always given full ultrasound scans.

London was rated as the worst area for maternity care, while in the North 33 out of 44 NHS trusts were ranked as "best performing".

The government has said it will stump up an extra £122m a year to improve care and employ more midwives.
I've been told its not that bad. Towels and sheets were enough.

I plan on getting some plastic sheets just in case but otherwise will manage with towels and so on.

I'd ask your MW as she deals with lots of births I'm sure she'll be able to give you a lot more guidance.
tadpole, the "mess" varies i think! at our parentcraft classes the MW there said some hav practically clean sheets and others "stuff is pouring off the sides of the bed" :shock: :lol:

mine wasnt that messy. i'd planned a water birth so not even got any plastic sheets for the bed, but i did end up giving birth on the bed and the MWs judst put a couple towels down and 2 of those mat things (idk what they are, like little A4 sized sheets like sanitary towels!) the towels and bedding needed washing but it wasnt as bad as id thought it would be! they do advise u get some plastic sheets tho. they kept asking i i had some at my MW apps and i kept saying yes even tho i hadnt coz didnt think id need them!
PinkPunch at the LGI in Leeds where I was, I never had any problems whatsoever with anything regards not enough staff or bad wards. In fact, whilst waiting to go to delivery suite, there was only myself and one other lady on the ward, and after the birth, there were loads of MW's on the ward, so its certainly not the case in my experience, and I was in 8days, overall I was on 4 wards, so I have some idea, and I didn't even want to be there :D

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