Home Births


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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Hi ladies, I am 19 weeks with baby number 3 and planning to have a home birth this time. I had an emcs with my first and a vbac in hospital with my 2nd and had a retained placenta removed in theatre so have a fight on my hands with consultants and supervisor of midwives but I feel it's the right choice for me and baby this time.

Anyone else having or had a home birth? xx
I'd like to but not brave enough as this is my first. What's a vbac? Sorry if I sound silly I'm not used to some of the terminology x
I'd like to but not brave enough as this is my first. What's a vbac? Sorry if I sound silly I'm not used to some of the terminology x
I never thought I would ever consider a home birth so understand not wanting to do it for your first. But having done it twice I think I can cope lol

Emcs is an emergency cesarean section and vbac is vaginal birth after cesarean. So basically a normal birth, but I am at risk of scar rupture which is why doctors would prefer I was in hospital being monitored but I've done it once so the risks are even smaller now xx
Oh Id love a home birth. I think Id only do it if I was secluded though. We live in a flat and Id hate for my neighbours to hear me bring life to the world :lol: although I love the idea of being able to immediately settle with baby at home. I didnt feel like I trully relaxed until I got home. Had a bath and just sat on my bed. That one feeling I remember so vividly so Id love to just be able to do that. So I think you should go for it. Its your 3rd and if its your last push for it. No pun intended.

Ill just be grateful with a 6h discharge next time. I did not sleep a wink in hospital which didnt get me off to the best start. I was only in 1 day but still, I had 3hr sleep during early labour then none for a whole day. When I got my bed, my settings, I felt fine.

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I'm going for a home birth and this is my first! I'm so excited about it! Apart from my booking in appt and scans all appointments have been at home and I feel such a lovely connection with my midwife- it's been the same one every time and she has spent so much time talking me through it all. I really hope it works out but if not I'm not far from my local hospital. The only thing I'm not so keen on is the lack of pain relief, so we are hiring a birth pool. I just love the idea of being able to get straight into my own bed afterwards and hopefully it might be easier on my husband too. Xx
I hate the thought of a home birth. I've a very clinical person and I want to give birth in a hospital, not even a birthing centre, a cold clinical hospital with machines and doctors incase things go wrong.

Although I know someone who was terrified of hospitals who had a very lovely home birth. I say you go for he birth you want.
I was hoping to go for a home birth. Then I started to panic about what we'd do with my son if he woke - he might not settle at my parents house and I'm not sure id want my dad here (we live in a bungalow so it's quite difficult in that respect).

I saw our new MLU though and it's gorgeous, and I'm going to try the pool again (cheaper than getting one at home I might not use!!!), but I'm quite interested to read any responses you get here to see if they can resolve my worries and sway me back to a home birth. It would be lovely to not have to leave home to have him/her!!!
I'm planning a home birth this time. I have to see the consultant in Feb to check my kidneys due to my history of kidney stones and as long as I avoid anemia I'm good to go!
I had a home water birth with my second baby. It was truly wonderful. Things went better than I thought and no complications apart from a week post birth I got an infection from retained placenta but that could have happened with hospital birth. Things that I had to think about were-,

who can look after other babies/children whilst you are labouring and other half helping you.
What conditions may occur which may mean you may have to transfer, and whether these risks are likely. I had a risk of haemorrage or transfer if I had a haemorrage as I had low iron levels.
Risks of hospital birth. For me I had a high risk of giving birth en route to hospital as I labour quickly so hence I thought the risks of hospital birth going wrong was higher for me?

There is research to suggest giving birth at home is less likely to need interventions as lower stress levels on mummy and baby.

I think it's easier if you have laboured naturally before as you know roughly what to expect and how you cope although all births are different.

Good luck. There is a brill Facebook group for home birthing mothers on Facebook!
I hate the thought of a home birth. I've a very clinical person and I want to give birth in a hospital, not even a birthing centre, a cold clinical hospital with machines and doctors incase things go wrong.

Although I know someone who was terrified of hospitals who had a very lovely home birth. I say you go for he birth you want.

Im the same sorta, I want another induction because I felt so controlled and in a safe enviroment. I had a brilliant labour, but next time I want out of that hospital asap. I work in a hospital. Its the last place I wanna be with my baby. But do get the safeness of it all.

I'm planning a home birth this time.

I'm getting a Doula.

I have a bit of a fight on my hands too as they usually want to induce with Cholestasis, my last two were both induced early due to OC, but everything was normal and the labours were both good, straightforward, didn't need assisted delivery or stitches or anything. So I'm confident in home birthing. I just need to convince them not to induce me lol.
I keep playing with the idea as im only 5-10min drive from hosp..

But i dnoooo. I lost so much blood with my 1st, almost needed to go to theatre for stitches as they couldnt stop the bleeding.
I had meconium in my waters and he needed a clip on head due to his heart rate dropping.
He was born really purple due to getting stuck for a bit at the end, managed to oush him out but thats what then caused the major tear.

Soo.. Im nervous for all of that!!

We have a lovely midwifery led centre at my hosp with a pool in every room. I no i could gave a rented pool at home.. But im going to have a bigger think when im in tri 3 xx
I've also considered homebirth, my first I was on the birth center but got transferred to the labour ward as I had pushed for nearly 3 hours, I'd had growth scans and was expected to be having a big baby. I think the pressure of the big baby was on my mind during pushing if I'm truly honest. I'll consider not having them this time.

I'm 20 mins drive from our hospital but that doesn't put me off as the midwives are experienced, it's just if my mind is able to do the pushing stage better this time which I do think in my own surroundings it would be better, but I needed a ventouse last time so still need time to think it over.

Surely if your placenta stays put they just transfer you in, you may find if your more relaxed that your placenta will come away as normal. Maybe you need to speak to a supervisor of midwives at your hospital x
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I had an unplanned home birth last time (labour progressed much faster than anticipated). It was very messy! I liked being at home as it meant I felt comfortable and in control. They wanted to send me in at one point but there was no way I was agreeing to it (I'd have given birth in the ambulance!). But the reason we had chosen not to have a home birth was the high transfer rate for first time mums and I was transferred to hospital afterwards which meant I got very little time with my newborn and I will always regret that.

I would love another home birth but am currently on consultant care ( :-( ) and will likely go to hospital this time in hope of getting my initial skin to skin time this time round. It might be different if we were a little closer to the hospital.
Can I just point one thing out with booking a home birth, YOU DO NOT have to birth at home. Though the choice will be entirely yours and open when you do book one and decide you want to stay home or home longer whilst in labour... If at any point you don't feel secure at home and feel like you'd be better off in hospital you're allowed to go there, if at any point the midwife feels like you're better off in hospital they will transfer you!

And when you do go in labour and at that point you think, I want to go in hospital you can still go and you don't need to phone the midwife to come out!

The nice thing about it is that when you're booked at home, they will come out to you. If you are in labour from that point when they arrive at your home they will look after you and assess you regardless where you want to birth from then on. They don't let you stay home if they think your baby needs close monitoring.

Pools can be hired instead of bought and only fresh lining has to be purchased.

Trust me, you don't give two hoots about how much noise you make when you're in labour even when you're at home!

And another thing, at hospital there's a bigger chance for intervention, that chance increases with stronger painkillers like the epidural because it stops your ability to move around and get up or push the baby out.
They can bring gas and air, they listen to the heart beat at home so if any point that makes them worried again you'd be sent into hospital ect.

Cheap own brand shower curtains are great as a cover for all the messy bits!

There's home birthing groups who have people in it who have experience fighting for a homebirth in special situations when it's not the first pregnancy that you can find on facebook.

Hope that helps!
I would care. Thats why I wont do it. My neighbour informed me he could hear me spewing my ringer at home.. Dont fancy a "I heard you giving birth the other night" :lol:

The rest sounds ideal though.

Going slightly off topic but I was once on phone to my MIL one Xmas eve discussing how many dining chairs I needed her to bring over. As soon as I put the phone down my neighbour knocked the door saying I could borrow her chairs instead as they were going out Xmas day! We are very careful what we say now!

I've got images of her hearing me in labour and coming round to help! X
Going slightly off topic but I was once on phone to my MIL one Xmas eve discussing how many dining chairs I needed her to bring over. As soon as I put the phone down my neighbour knocked the door saying I could borrow her chairs instead as they were going out Xmas day! We are very careful what we say now!

I've got images of her hearing me in labour and coming round to help! X

If I spontaneously gave birth at home of course I wouldn't care. But on thinking about it.. I wouldn't like my sons entrance to the world to be heard by people I see on a daily basis and don't properly know.

My neighbour under me heard the conception lead upto Jackson. Then heard me vomming every day - tbf I am just being a bit considerate for others as well as myself. No one needs to hear that!!

That is a bit rude tbh! Shes admitting that she was listening in obviously. I used to hear my neighbours above argue constantly, I felt like a third wheel in the relationship. Dying to shout "hes clearly cheating on you, leave him!!" :lol:

I have moved now, but still among neighbours. I can hear her sometimes, so she must hear me. Not to mention below us...

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I know lol she's just so nosy but her hearts in the right place! It came in useful when we were burgled whilst we were both out though as she scared them off! X

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