Home Birth queries


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Morning ladies,

I joined this forum for number 2 (hence my user name!) but Im now on number 3, less than 2 weeks to go!

I was planning a homebirth, having had lovely straight forward times for my other 2.

My midwife informed me last week that in my area the GP's don't come out to check the newborn like in most other places, so I have to take him in to hospital within 24 hours. (hips, hearing etc)

This has made me reconsider the whole thing. I was hoping for a goiod labour, and good shower, and little champagne! and then tucked up in bed with my baby, to chill, feed and sleep, introduce his brothers, invite grandparents round etc
The thought I have to get dressed, get him dressed for the elements, arrange the children to be looked after.... well, frankly, I might as well have him in hospital, so they can do the checks before I leave!

I don't want to out my baby at any risk of course, but the midwife wouldn't leave me at home if she had any concerns over the health of the baby.

Has anyone got any advice? Is there a way of getting some kind of private doctor to come to the house?!

I've never heard of that before if I'm honest? I would be so annoyed!

If I'm honest I wouldnt be all that bothered if a gp didn't come out and check the baby over, if the midwife is satisfied that would do me and if I had concerns I would take baby to hospital anyway!
I'm amazed that a doc wouldn't come out :( that's odd but if you have your heart set on a home birth then u should go for it :) x
I agree with above. When I have another hopefully it'll be a home birth and I certainly wouldnt go down to the hospital for the checks! If the midwife was happy then thats fine by me :) The HV will probably do a few checks at 10 days anyway so they would say if they have concerns.
If it is any help, I had a homebirth and I certainly didn't go hopping off to the GP the next day. I don't even see how that is physically possible.

However, my GP never did check the baby out. The midwife checked him out when he was born, and then came the next day and then 2 days after.

She did the eye test, heal prick etc.

The GP only met baubbles at the 6 week check.

Feel free to pm if you wish. Happy to chat about my experience.

PS. I'm in London.
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my mum had a homebirth with my little sister in 2004 and had to go to the nearest maternity hospital the next day to get my sisters hearing, hips etc checked, im hoping for a homebirth as well but if im going to have to take LO to the hospital to get checked the following day then i may as well just have baby in hospital x
I don't think that having to go out to get LO checked after the birth should deter you from trying for a home birth - it will be a pain in the arse and maybe even impossible, but I think that choosing to have a home birth is about choosing to have your baby in a comfortable, familiar environment where you are much more in control of labour and birth than you might be in hospital. You can have your children and family around you immediately, and you can rest in your own bed. Even if you have to take LO out to the hospital, you've at least given birth at home. That's how I would try and see it.

We are hoping for a home birth too - and just a few days behind you :) I don't actually know for sure what the protocol in my area is for these checks but I think our MWs do some of them at home, and others can be done later. Of course, if the MW has any concerns you'd end up transferring to hospital anyway...

Hope you manage to make a decision that you're happy with. Good luck! Let us know how you get on.
That seems random my mw did mine at home day after because I was so keen to go home.

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I'm giving birth in midwife led birthing centre so I know I won't have any doctors checking my baby - unless I need to be transferred to hospital and hour and a half away! The midwives do all the checks necessary for me.

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