

Craig returns
Newt gets sectioned
Amy IS pregnant
Calvin and Nige have a fight and Nige has a knife that he pulls on Calvin who kills him in self defence.
Ste tries to kill himself
Amy moves in with Tina after ste beats her up bad
LilysMummy said:

Craig returns
Newt gets sectioned
Amy IS pregnant
Calvin and Nige have a fight and Nige has a knife that he pulls on Calvin who kills him in self defence.
Ste tries to kill himself
Amy moves in with Tina after ste beats her up bad

Oh gwad not Craig he irritated me!
Amy is such a silly girl

Come on tell us more tehe!!

What happens with jack?
Steelgoddess said:
LilysMummy said:

Craig returns
Newt gets sectioned
Amy IS pregnant
Calvin and Nige have a fight and Nige has a knife that he pulls on Calvin who kills him in self defence.
Ste tries to kill himself
Amy moves in with Tina after ste beats her up bad

Oh gwad not Craig he irritated me!
Amy is such a silly girl

Come on tell us more tehe!!

What happens with jack?

He comes back. I think he watches his own funeral from the bushes aswell. And Frankie is really trying to get his body exhumed to get a post mortom because they find out Newt planted the bombs, and he admits to murdering Jack...even though he didnt - stupid boy!
will they ever find out Jack isn't really dead? aww poor Newt, feel sorry for him, just when he was starting to settle in with a proper family, all that happens to him.
OMG not Craig, he's so annoying, I hate his voice!
I also heard that this week John-Paul proposes to Keiron! how sweet! Don't know if he accepts though
Is jackie back on the rob again?? and why does she wear those porno shoes and mega makeup during the day?

Grrr that Sasha still needs a good beating!!
Steelgoddess said:
Is jackie back on the rob again?? and why does she wear those porno shoes and mega makeup during the day?

Grrr that Sasha still needs a good beating!!

Its ok she goes missing :shhh:
Steelgoddess said:
and why does she wear those porno shoes and mega makeup during the day?

Grrr that Sasha still needs a good beating!!

Hhahahahha steelgoddes you make me laugh so much!

The second part i so agree with. Her character sucks and her acting skills are appalling!
poochielove said:
Steelgoddess said:
and why does she wear those porno shoes and mega makeup during the day?

Grrr that Sasha still needs a good beating!!

Hhahahahha steelgoddes you make me laugh so much!

The second part i so agree with. Her character sucks and her acting skills are appalling!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Shall I tell her that! :wink:
jackie, i fooking hate her, shes so anoyying, she walks round Hollyoaks looking like a £5 hooker :roll:
Jade&Evie said:
poochielove said:
Steelgoddess said:
and why does she wear those porno shoes and mega makeup during the day?

Grrr that Sasha still needs a good beating!!

Hhahahahha steelgoddes you make me laugh so much!

The second part i so agree with. Her character sucks and her acting skills are appalling!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Shall I tell her that! :wink:

Yes!!!!! :rotfl:
poochielove said:
Jade&Evie said:
poochielove said:
Steelgoddess said:
and why does she wear those porno shoes and mega makeup during the day?

Grrr that Sasha still needs a good beating!!

Hhahahahha steelgoddes you make me laugh so much!

The second part i so agree with. Her character sucks and her acting skills are appalling!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Shall I tell her that! :wink:

Yes!!!!! :rotfl:

Tell her to use some fooking clerasil aswell, failing that some concealer, shes getting pizza face from all the drugs shes using lol!!

Awww Tina took in young Amy yesterday is she the new mother Teresa??
Amy need to get her self out for good, ste is a right little shit bag, anyone else think that tina will end up looking after this baby for amy :think:
Ive missed it for DAYS!

Whats been happening someone pleaaaassseeeee?
I both HATE and LOVE hollyoaks at the same time :wall: :wall:

I get so pissed off with how unrealistic it is yet i STILL watch every day, in fact im one of those sad people that watches the E4 episode every day :shhh:

I've taken to not commenting on it as i could go on for hours and you'd all be asleep :bored:

Oh and yes Sasha looks bloody awful and i dont like her character or her acting, bit like one of the new people in neighbours, so bad
looooool the jack's-fakin-his-own-death storyline is just ridicculox :roll: :lol:

loads of storylines are really silly and unrealistic, but isnt that why we love hollyoaks!!!
On Tuesday 25 March 2008, whilst Tina was at the hospital having her 12-week pre-natal scan, it was revealed that the baby was in fact 15 weeks old and therefore must have been conceived on Thursday 6 December 2007, the night she and Russ Owen had a one-night-stand. A shocked Tina confessed all to a furious Jacqui. Jacqui convinced her to keep quiet, telling her that otherwise both their marriages would be in ruins.


i just copied that off wikipedia (though they lie sometimes). I almost lost faith in hollyoaks, after i read here that the baby might have been even less than 7 months. anyway, just wanted to show this.

Although for a pre-term baby, he left the hospital quite quickly.

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