
Oh the baby they showed was a right big un. No way could you pass it off as a newborn let alone a premmie.
My Calleigh was smaller than that and she was full term.
charlie84 said:
Oh the baby they showed was a right big un. No way could you pass it off as a newborn let alone a premmie.

i thought that! the doc said she was 30 weeks, there aint no way that babys 10weeks prem!!

having said that before i got preg and started getting interested in babies etc there isnt no way id have known what a 30wk baby looks like so i would have been fooled!
dina.marie said:
charlie84 said:
Oh the baby they showed was a right big un. No way could you pass it off as a newborn let alone a premmie.

i thought that! the doc said she was 30 weeks, there aint no way that babys 10weeks prem!!

having said that before i got preg and started getting interested in babies etc there isnt no way id have known what a 30wk baby looks like so i would have been fooled!

Yeah me too...

But who puts a prem baby or even a newborn up for tv work?
Nobody..... so thats probaly why :)
They do the best they can with what theyve got
very good point :oops: i wonder how much money the parents get for doing that??
:wink: quite a bit

Evie is signed up for it :oops: My mum's mates baby is Max and Tanya's son in 'enders.
Is this baby really Tonys and her sisters??? am I been blonde and have I missed summit??? im sure there is going to be a big thing cause they keep saying about the dates!!!!!!

Me thinking it might be her own babba??? or am I been totally off the point here and blonde and missing whats stood in front of me....
oooh, i think they are gonna find out Russ is the father. Dom will die of shock. Tina will run away with the baby in humiliation.

I think Niall might try to harm John Paul, thats why he got Kieron out of the way, he's clearly jealous of him

And its so unfortunate for the McQueen girls, almost half of them cant have kids, one is too selfish to even consider it and ironically, their mum had seven
i bet she feels bad right, but i think she is just mega selfish. tina has to keep her baby. i woulnt give mine away if i were in the same situation. i wont even want the baby as jacqui anyway, its just not right.
omg who is this new stupid student girl who bought the stolen laptop? :roll: ANNOYING!!!!!!

i miss max :cry:
Perfect timing eh Sarah! Now Carmels happy and getting married. Only in soapland :lol:
what I dont get is why would he be thrown out - Poland is part of the EU is it not? or am I being thick?
i dont know why hes back or whatever but isnt an illegal immegrant still an illegal immegrant regardless of where they're from? if thats not the case i think il go swan off round europe :D
OMG the baby storyline is making me mad!!! Jackie has peed me off now! So selfish!!!
on their way!!!!

Mine have been here since last nights episode!
OMG I broke my heart when Tom said to OB "will you look after me?"


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