Hiya Summer 16 months

Londoner Claire

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2006
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Aww she looks so cute, I love her dress, gorgeous. :)

When you say Sebatastian, do you mean Sebastian? If you can't spell it, I wouldn't choose it, lol. I'm afraid I don't like the name either but it's your child, up to you. I have a friend with that name, calls himself Seb or Sebby.
I love the name Sebastian, i think its really nice and unusual, plus it can be shortened to a variety of nicknames.

i like it!

Your girl looks lovely so grown up now!
Give her pots and pans and wooden spoons, have you tried finger painting or baking with her. It may seem young but ella loved that at her age.

Its tough when they become independant

I like sebastian, its my fiancees middle name but there are names i love more
You haven't been about on MSN for ages!!

Summer is sooo grown up!! And Sebastian was on my list if Phoebe had been a boy!! Seb is lovely!!

As for summer. Maybe she is sensing you have another baby inside you? It can make them feel differently. Either more clingy or more distant.
It's hard to entertain them all the time once they're up and about.
Try rotating her toys so she has different things every few days.
Does she like drawing, painting etc?
Do you take her to baby groups etc?
Other than that I'm not sure honey. I just make sure Phoebe has different toys every week or so and then when you go back to the old ones they see them differently!!
I also make sure she gets some fresh air most days as this helps their mood.

Hope to speak soon xxx
Aw, so cute! I remember so clearly when she was born :). I like Sebastian a lot, I'm sure the little boy in The Neverending Story was called that and he shortened it to Bastian which I like too. Elliott is only 13 months so not sure I can give any advice about her toys etc apart from that I got a cool book in a charity shop the other day about ideas for entertaining your toddler called The Toddler's Busy Book by Trisha Kuffner. It's a bit American in that some of the ingredients needed to make your own play dough etc I've never heard of but apart from that it's got really good, very cheap if not free ideas to amuse toddlers. I actually already had a copy I'd got through my library but it was so good that I didn't want to give it back so when I saw this copy for £1.50 I was very happy! Mel is a bit little for most of it but I did try giving him some cooked spaghetti to play with the other day and he was amused for ages. Also I saved a cardboard gift box from Xmas and put various bits and pieces in it everyday and give it to him to explore while he's in his high chair- things like little bottles, a single brick or wooden block, plastic trays from food, one of his socks etc. A couple of pots with a biscuit broken into lots of bits keeps him happy too as he puts bits in and out of the pots and eats as he goes! Pots and pans to be bashed, he loves rolling empty biscuit tins, empty tissue boxes stuffed with some of his clothes so that he can pull them out and put them back in- I'm basically trying to see what I've already got that is safe for him to play with- he spent two days last week on and off playing with an empty 2 litre coke bottle! Anyway, I bet your library either has this book or one similar or could get it in for you for some ideas.

As for her not finding you as funny as others Mel is the same with me, I have to go a long way to make him laugh as much as my OH does or anyone else for that matter but I think it's because we see so much of each other and so you have to do something out of the ordinary to make each other laugh (putting mixing bowls on my head usually gets a laugh!). Partly humour is about getting round people too or getting their attention and you and she are well past that stage- I would try not to worry about it too much or read too much into it hun.

Is she excited about being a sister? Could you play games together where you look after a baby together, putting it to bed, etc? I have no idea of when they can do stuff but can she draw pictures? Sorry if I'm way out- I'm only clued up on where we've got to with Elliott and he'd rather eat a crayon still!

Have you checked out your local library to see if they have a free story time for pre-schoolers? That might be something you could take her too to amuse her?

Nice to hear from you, take care

Hun she is getting so grown up and is so grogeous!!
I have no suggestions yet though Kiara is pretty good at entertaining her self. Congrats on the boy as well how exciting one of each. :)
Glad to hear your all doing good, hope to chat to you soon
Nice youre back kayl!

cant believe your 28 weeks already! how lovely youre going to have one of each :D :D

i really like sebastian, and seb for short. its cute! my mum suggested we called finlay that actually!

no ideas for entertaining summer i'm afraid, but she looks very happy in all the photos. shes grown up so much, shes a lovely little girl!

Hi Kay, good pictures of Summer, how is she now? So pleased that she is recovering well after her meningitus, did she take long to get back to full health? Good to hear she is running around, did it take long?

lovely pics!!
Hi Kay, sorry if I've put my foot in it! Didn't realise you hadn't mentioned it on this site. I must have got confused between this and another baby site, I tend to lurk on them and saw your post and wondered how little Summer was as I'd read she was ill and couldn't walk etc.
Just apologised because I thought you had talked about it on the internet and it was in the open, but you hadn't. I'm still a bit confused to be honest. Maybe I'm mixing you up with someone else.

Anyway, maybe I should start again! You say Summer is running and climbing, so sounds like she is doing well anyway! hehe! Bless her. Hope everything is good for you!
freddy I would like you to reply to my pm please.

Hello Kayl :wave:
Hiya kayl,

Wow 39 weeks already that went quick!

Not till you will be holding you lil bubba
sorry I seem to have caused offence. Kay I just got confused because I'd read conflicting things. I'm not going to do anything.

Urchin I've replied to your pm.

Hope you, Summer and new baby are all well. Take care x

Just had to say i cant belive your almost due hun!! wow .
How you feeling :)

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