High BP


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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Just back from the midwifes and she's sent me home!

My BP is up, not overly high, but combined with the swelling ankles and fingers, and 2 week headache, she was a little concerned. She has told me to go home today and rest for the remainder of the day and also tomorrow, and to book an appointment to see my GP.

My GP is the only female doctor in the practice, and I can't get an appointment until next Wednesday :( so I've got an appointment with another doctor at 4.30 today. I've never seen this doctor so no idea what he is like or how sympathetic he's going to be to a miserable pregnant woman, but hey ho.

So, I'm already bored and can see all the cleaning in the house that needs doing, but I'm not going to do any of it. When I got home I put a garlic and rosemary bread mix in the bread machine, and then dinner can be pasta with a jar of sauce and warm fresh bread. Dead easy and no stress.

Okay, so back to Tyra Banks and boredom......
Tankett.. sorry to hear you are BORED :( but at least now you know what has been the problem.. and its good that they will now monitor you carefully. Make sure the doctor knows all the symptoms you have been having and ask him if you can go into the surgery to see a nurse to get BP checked every week or fortnight, either that or your m/w.

Don't you dare do any housework.. enjoy the peace and quiet and make sure you rest with feet UP!!!

take care x

p.s where did you get the garlic and rosemary bread mix??.. that sounds yummy!!!
Poor u. Hope you BP goes down soon make sure you get lots of rest and make people do stuff for you. Good luck at docs. x
Welcome to Imi's world of crappy pregnancy !! Free admission and your entitled to stay as long as you like to keep me company!!! :D

Honey as long as you do what the MW and doctor say you should be fine ... keep your feet UP! NO housework and stay as stress free as possible ... Take it from me, im an EXPERT on this have been since week 8 :)

Take a few relaxing baths with lavender bubble bath or radox calm sleep easy, early nights and lots of rest!! IF you keep relaxed and feet elevated you should find that your BP will go down of it's own accord ... if you don't then you maybe admitted like i was ...

Cool drinks and ice packs on the swollen ankles might help too ... KEEP YOUR ASS AND FEET ON THE COUCH WOMAN!! :talkhand: :shhh:

Love imi
Sorry you're having problems hun, this pregnancy malarky sure isn't as fun as the books say eh!!

Keep you're feet up and look after yourself.

tankett sorry your bp is up hun make sure you take things easy xxxxxxxxx
Tankett as the others have said, take it easy and relax. On a positive note at least you get a couple of days off work :dance:


How are you today?
How was your doc's appointment yesterday?

Hope all is well and you are feeling OK and that you are still resting!!!

Hi tankett

How are things now? How did the appointment go?

Hope your ok - high BP is a pain in the backside :(

L x
Well, back to work today. :( Much as I was bored yesterday, I'd still rather be at home than here!

Right, 4.30 Tuesday, I went back to the docs and my BP had already fallen, although still high. He tested me for protein in my urine just to be safe, and everything was clear. So he ordered me (scary man! :shock: ) to rest Wednesday and not do anything at all, and book an appointment with the practice nurse to get my BP taken again on Wednesday afternoon. So I went back yesterday at 2pm and BP had come down again, although still slightly high it had come down and wasn't a concern anymore.

So I am back to work today and have another appointment with the nurse at 3.30pm to see how work has affected me. Look well if it's back up again!! :shock: Wonder how they'll deal with that one!! :lol:

Sorry I didn't come on yesterday to tell you all this, but DH left me in bed in the morning, and when I got up I found he'd taken the wireless router to work with him!! :shock: :x Just in case I was tempted to dial in and do some work!! Lovely thought, but I was soooooo bored.

Anna Marie - that bread is from all supermarkets, it's made my Wrights and only cost about 75p. It's so easy as everything is already in the packet, and you only add water and olive oil. And it's scrummy!! And makes the house smell all homely!!
hi tankett glad your bp is coming down mine was same was only up when id been to work you might find if its up again today they put you on the sick thats what happened to me and now its staying low :D xxx
Glad to hear you are OK Tankett and BP has come down although does not bode well for your employers :dance: :dance: :wink: :wink:

The rest obviously did the trick.. now you have to try and not let work bother you too much and not be up and down to the printer all day... :roll:

take care and hope that the appointment this afternoon goes OK and that BP has not risen again..

thanks for the bread tip.. will have a look in Tescos .. sounds very yummmmy and I do love coming downstairs in the morning to the smell of fresh bread..... now I am hungry.. off for some walkers S&Vinegar !! :oops: :?
Well, BP yesterday was 150/90, which although high again, is still down on earlier in the week.

The way they have left it is for me to book an appointment with the nurse for a BP check mid-week next week, but if any selling occurs in the meantime, I am to go to the surgery immediately for a check.

So, it should be another relaxing weekend for me, but not to be I'm afraid. I'm on call. :( Hopefully, I will be able to do everything with my feet up on the sofa with laptop on knees, but it's not going to be a quiet one. It's monthend, the clocks go forward and we are doing a system switch. Basically, these are 3 things on the system we use at work that are possibly going to cause problems, and they are all happening together!!! :( And it's my brothers birthday tomorrow and Mothers Day Sunday!! Relaxing weekend??? What's that? :think:
Aw Tankett hun you poor thing.. mind you I would gladly swap with you..I am off to stay with my MIL for the weekend.. :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

That will definitely not be relaxing either.. she likes to talk all the time so no TV, no quiet moments to myself and she is a veggie... YIKES.. better take a stash of saugages or something and a massive bar of choc just incase!! I will just use the dog as an excuse to get away.. my doglet needs lots of walks! :wink: :wink: :angel:

Try to take as much time out from being on call as you can.. no doubt your daughter will spoil you on Sunday.. that will be lovely.

Unfortunately, I am also going through a horrible phase with a teenage daughter. :evil: She called me a cow this morning, I was in floods of tears before work. :cry:

I don't think I'll even get a card on Sunday, or even the words Happy Mothers Day said to me.

I did mention to DH a few weeks ago that it would be nice for us to go out for Sunday lunch instead of me cooking it, but nothing has been said since. So, normal weekend for me then. :(

Sorry, this is the time of day when I start feeling sorry for myself and want to go home and curl up on the sofa.
Ah Tankett.. that must have been awful.. teenagers can be soooooo insensitive and selfish sometimes... I bet she will be feeling bad about it too.. and I hope she makes it up to you!

Maybe OH and daughter have booked somewhere for lunch as a surprise...?

You are allowed to feel sorry for yourself and you are expected to curl up on the sofa... its been a tough week for you and you are still under orders to rest as much as possible!

Hugs x

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