hi got a question....


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
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well basically my husband came home last night and asked me if i want to start trying for baby number 3... my daughter is 3 months now so will be 1 if i concieve this month what i want to know has any one got children with 1 year age gap is it hard work with a new born and a one year old who is crawling and learning to walk...... id love to add another addition to our family would this be the right time or wait a while??
thanks ladies
I wish my OH came home with ideas like that... mines gonna chop his off after number 2 :( lol.

I think it would be alot of hard work... a 4Yo, a 1yo and a newborn - id have to check myself into the loony bin now!! But some people may be able to deal with that no problem. Theres a few on here that have small age gaps, Im sure they will reply to you too!!
my eldest wa 6 weeks old when i was told i was pregnant again, there is 11 months between the eldest 2, it is hard work but worth it.
The only thing I would mention is that it takes about a year for your body to recover fully from the previous pregnancy and childbirth. Bones, vitamins etc, just all the things that are drained during pregnancy.

I'd only wait longer so as to be sure you are in good health (even if you feel fine now your body still needs time) and build yourself back up. OH and I said 6 months initially but now LO is here we have said at least 9 before we start TTC again.

Saying that many women have children close together just fine. But even so it can take a toll on the body which may not be apparent at the time.
theres 13 months between my youngest 2 and it is hard work but so worth it.

my 16 month old is quite independent now and she goes off and plays quite happily with her older brother which gives me some time for my 3 month old chatterbox. i dont think either of them goes without as we r in a very good routine.

like i said its hard work but i manage very well i think and i wouldnt have it any other way my only piece of advice is to try to get into a routine as soon as is possible.

good luck to you both in making your decision i hope iv been of some help :hug:
all i can say is DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. having babies with close age gaps is not for everyone (certainly not me! lol) but if YOU want to- go for it! but not if ur just pressurised by ur husband. x x x

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