Hi Everyone!!


Jul 22, 2010
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Hello Ladies! Ive just joined this site & thought id say hi. Im 15 weeks pregnant with twins...big shock when we found that out i can tell you! :shock: Just about got used to the fact were gonna have 2 little babies around instead of one!!
Im sooo glad to be in the 2nd trimester, im just about starting to feel human again, cant believe how tired i was in the first 3 months! A lot different from when i was pregnant with my little boy (he's 2 now)
Hope everyone else is feelin ok now we've passed the 3 month mark? Anyway, hope to get to know all you fellow mummies to be.
Oh my names Emma by the way (not sure if that shows up when i post? I havent got a clue what im doing yet, can you tell, haha!) x
Welcome emma and double the congrats!! Wow twins, that's amazing! 2nd trimester is the best so far, all your worries are behind you and your start feeling your babies soon!!
The girls on this forum are great btw, so any questions if free to ask :D x x
Thanks! Yeah im so glad to be in the 2nd trimester now, the first 3 months seemed to go sooo slow. Really looking forward to my gender scan now to find out what sex the babies are! :dance:
Hello and welcome :wave:

I'm 18 weeks pregnant with twins so know exactly what you mean about the shock :lol:

It seems to take forever to get to the 12 week scan and then the 20 doesn't it? I've got mine a week on Tuesday and am so looking forward to it can't wait to find out the sex so I get organised :)
Welcome to Trimester 2 and congrats on twins! Now we have 2 sets of twins in Tri 2 at the moment :)
Hey hun...congratulations and welcome to Tri 2....i should say double congratulations...what a nice pressie hey :) Look forward to getting to know you :) xx
another set of twins! thats lovely! i hope your pregnancy wont be too heavy for you and that it all goes well! XX
yayyy congrats on your twins Emma, wellcome to Trimester 2 , I am also 15 weeks, so we are close together in due date, but I'm guessing your littl,e twins will arrive before my 1 baby!

Look forward to following your pregnancy journey X
Hi Emma
I'm new to this and also having twins but only 11 weeks gone. It was a bit of a shock but not totally unexpected as I had IVF treatment and they transfered eggs. Still feeling sick and so so tired, glad to hear your now feeling more human must say that would be nice.

best of luck

Carrie :):)
Hey!! nice to "meet" you, im 13 weeks gone, and just in tri 2 too! look forward to chatting! :) xx
hi emma, and congratulations! Im 15+4 so we're pretty close due date wise. Hope you carry on feeling well and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy :)

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