Hi everyone/preg symps


Apr 10, 2011
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Hi everyone I'm new here, hope you're all doing well and feeling optimistic?

I know you probably get this all the time but I'm going mad and feel really down today so thought I'd share my symps, I recognise some of them from my last pregnancy.

I'm super moody and snappy, can't let things go (normally happens before AF)

Some cramps in left ovary area but mainly pulling in ligaments when moving too quickly

Metallic taste (but had this another month before when I thought I was preg but wasn't)

Sicky feeling

Craving cheese and so hungry



Boobs do feel a bit sore right now but still breastfeeding my 16 month old so either I don't feel the pains as much or it's just muddled from that?

Some veins showing up

I think I'm 7-8dpo but no idea as haven't really tracked the cycle, I'm sure I ovulated super early like a few days after AF left and this month seems more like a 'normal' month of menstral goings on since having my girl and BF

I don't know any thoughts?
Come ponder with me lol
sounds promising.......good luck :)

welcome to the forum xx
Hi, all those symptoms sound positive. Ive had painful boobs and because im breastfeeding I sometimes think I wouldnt know the difference anyways..I read on a site that if you're pregnant and breastfeeding, your boobs might be uncomfortable at time of feed.

The ligament thing sounds positive. In both my pregnancies straight away I would get ligament pain if I got up too quick..if I ever sneeze and feel a shooting pain in my lower tum, I know Im pregnant!!

Hope this is your month. xx
ooo thanks sarah, she's 16 months so I tend to get acrobatic breastfeeding sometimes so I sort of decided that my boobs probably gave up moaning a while back although I am getting twinges as we speak! Only thing is the baby would be due end of december around the same time as dd1 birthday is if things go to plan, lol oh well.
Ninja when will you next test, when's your af due? x
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I've only got Internet cheapies & Cb digis. I'll do a cheapie in the morning but don't hold out much hope after looking at your other thread. If AF doesn't turn up I'll get a FR and pee on that too :)
Go for it Ninja!
Well I just checked my cv position and it's low and firm (sorry if tmi) and after reading I think pregnancy often means high and soft but apparently it doesnt really make a difference as it changes so much so I dont know..im just jabbering
i know what you mean about the acrobatic feeding- my first seemed to believe my boobs were portable! i also read that the taste of the milk might change to sour and the feeding baby may react differently when he first tastes at feed- something to look out for i spose.

i see what you mean abou the birthdat thing..but you'd save a bit of money on a double birthday party! x
Yes lol that's a good point, I'll keep an eye on the milk too.
I'm getting really strange dreams now which i used to get with Lily's pregnancy but i just dont think i am anymore; i ovulated about a week after af maybe a few days over and the symptoms started very soon after we bd'd so i dont know whether to give up this month :o/

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