hi everybody!


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2005
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how are you all??
i realise i havent been on for so long (i don't even know most of you lol)

i've been so busy here in france, and i still don't have the internet but i will catch up when i'm in germany and we'll have the net in our flat.
i had a quick look at the pictures and i can't stop saying how crazy it is to see all the wee babies turning into toddlers!

also i've missed the advice from this forum. i've got so many questions and hardly anyone to answer them here as there are no health visitors or such people.

zoë is doing amazingly well! she is so big now (she really is a long baby), she has her two top teeth, she's nearly walking, babbling lots and repeating syllables... she's also got her own wee things like this hysterical laughter when she's excited, she sounds like a tiny witch. she has learned to clap, wave and do all sorts which fascinate me. ok, i'm easily impressed :roll:

but i do worry about things like: she's still breastfed so not sleeping entire nights (im the walking dead), and doesnt want to go to her own bed. leaving her to cry DOESNT WORK! she's also not much of an eater. she has fruit and yoghurt and thats it. can anyone tell me how tomake her have veg without her spitting it in my face??

wow, i've so much to say, i'd better stop here so as not to bore you...

anyway i hope you're all doing amazingly well
best wishes for 2007!

and keep in touch
(jean, steph, emma, etc etc still here?)

pip xxx

I'm still here :lol:

With the veg I would maybe make your own puree but make it very sweet? Maybe even start with banana mixed with avocado, it soulds weird but lots of babies love it. You can also do stuff like apple puree and carrot puree mixed.

I'd just start mixing up some stuff and see if she likes any of it and go from there!

Good luck, hope you get online again soon

thanks urchin.

unfortunately my wee girl :twisted: is very difficult and hardly eats any of the food i make her myself , and at first i made it all myself so its not just that she's used to food in jars. but food in jars is so smooth thats all she'll eat as she won't have lumps :wall:

i was such a good baby with eating, she must take that from her father :lol: :evil:

i'll try nevertheless. i'd give anything a try!!!!

and where is everyone else urchin??? i don't recognise all he names of the people online :?
Hey pips, i am still here. glad to hear you and zoë are well
hey babes welcome bck we missed u some people have leftothers like me and dionne u just cant get rid off :dance:

glad ur both doing well Braydon is 15 months now and still dont sleep thro :sleep: lol

glad my babys birth weight twin is going well :wink: give her a kiss for us
Hi Pips :wave:

Welcome back!!

Glad to hear you are all well :D

Phoebe is also a fussy eater. All Phoebe eats is sandwiches, sasuage rolls, savory eggs, banana etc. Buffet style food.
Phoebe doesn't like being spoon fed so I struggle with any homemade food and even yoghurt is now not really on the list!!

I hope that is of some help and that our babes start eating lovely things soon!!!

Nice to hear from you :D glad you are both well, hope you can get Zoe to eat some proper food soon some babies are just difficult at first im sure she will come around.
Hope to hear from you soon
coucou Pips and Zoe!!!!!!!

I am not on the forum much myself, but will try to be a little bit more from now, as I just started working part-time, but I am glad to know you both are doing ok!

With regard to eating, well, I can't give you much advice, I had the opposite problem, Maheen would just not take any milk whatsoever, to such an extent that she started losing weight! I have completly reschedules her routine, and she is now eating better. She used or rather I used to force down 4 feeders of milk per day plus 3 and a half meals, and it just was too much I think for her, and now, she only has 2 feeders, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Maybe the fact that she is still breastfed, and happy with it stops her from enjoying food more? or maybe only 2 teeth (maheen is the same, just that she only has the two teeth down :), I know that Maheen struggles with lumpy food, because of lack of teeth...and I think I am too scared as well (I have a phobia about choking, both me and my mum nearly died of it, so I kind of think it's in the family! and I am over cautious with Maheen!!!)

Anyway, ... have you looked at the baby jars in France, I know we all prefer to do our own, but some of these stuff is REALLY tasty, and as urchin said, try to mix fruit and veg...Maheen loves chicken and hates fish, so I mix it now, to cover the taste :) Lol!

bon, time to go to sleep, I have a sick baby to look after tomorrow (Maheen is coughing and vomiting since this morning! :( but am glad to know you are both ok!

take care, and talk to you soon!
Mel xx
so glad to hear from you all! :D

well if most babies are fussy eaters does anyone know around what age this stops and they start to 'act normal'?

i showed zoë photos of the babies on the site and she waved at them all, so pass on the message: hello from zoë!
she's sitting next to me right now passing wind loudly and laughing her head off! what an angel :think:

mel, i was thinking about you just yesterday when i came accross the number you gave me. i hope we can catch up soon.

and to the others, well i'm just happy someone remembers me after all that time :moon:

take care xx
Hiya, I am still here too.

Oliver was not eating so I went back to basics and mixed some booby milk in his vegetables. I did this two days after that he has not stopped eating!

Glad you are well.

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