hey girls + need advice!! **update - sure i am going mad!!**

MissGobby said:
hey girls :wave:

rachie!!!!! how are ya babes? long time no speak hey?? and happybunny!!??

tots hope and girls, i havent tested, totally fogot this morning BUT i still havent come on my period.....bit TMI but last night we had sex and on the condom there was like pinky colour, i went to toilet and wiped and it was really light pink so thought i was coming on my period, BUT....nothing since!! i am getting quite worried now so if i havent come on by tonight i will test in the morning!! :shock: :hug:


I'm fine, can only get on here now in the evenings but everything going well.

Take a test in the morning, the sooner you know the sooner you can decide what to do. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the result you want. The worry could also be delaying AF, stress can do that :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey MissG, long time no see :D

It sounds really strange saying this but I have my fingers crossed that you aren't pregnant this month, hun :)

Wishing you all the best with your new Danny, you sound really happy. Can't wait to see you back on here and TTC for real. But only when you're ready!
hey girls.....it was a BFN - i am so happy, just wondering where my AF is though :? anyway at least i know im not pregnant so can relax now....thanks girlies!!! and yeah mildly cant wait to get back here and join you girls.....hopefully not for a while yet though goodness :lol: :lol: xxxxxxxx
well girls i came on this morning so definately know now im not PG!! :D
Glad you aren't pg Miss G, please don't take this he wrong way but maybe ask the doctor about what contraceptives you can use so you don't scare yourself like that again. Hope all works out with the new fella and you are back here again soon and TTC x x x
yeah dont worry chick i am going on the patch, was just waiting to come on first so i could start it lol thanks babe xxx
Sorry I missed this Miss G, glad you got the reslut you wanted. Typical that you spent months in here praying for AF to stay away and this time you were praying for it to arrive!! :roll: :hug:
Hey hun - glad you got the result you wanted :D

Seems very odd willing AF to arrive for you, instead of willing her to stay away :lol:

What are you like :hug:
Glas she came hun :dance: :dance: .....ooo that was weird LOL

Maybe all the worrying about it was stopping you coming on. It's sod's law that within a day of getting a BFN she'll arrive :wall:
well girls, as you know i had my period last week, the thing is, it only lasted 3 days and nearly every period i have had lasts 5 days, anyway didnt even think about it BUT over the past week or so my gums have been bleeding when i brush my teeth and for the past couple of days my mouth feels like i have got a coin in it, very metally (if that makes sense?!) lol :think:
MissGobby said:
well girls, as you know i had my period last week, the thing is, it only lasted 3 days and nearly every period i have had lasts 5 days, anyway didnt even think about it BUT over the past week or so my gums have been bleeding when i brush my teeth and for the past couple of days my mouth feels like i have got a coin in it, very metally (if that makes sense?!) lol :think:

:think: :think:

Hmmmm, I had the coin in my mouth with all three. It was my first symptom......
huh id test, do your gums normally bleed, may be what the coin taste is :think:
hey girls :wave: no i havent tested again but no my gums dont normally bleed at all!!
Have you gone on the patch yet - could it be because of this?

If not take another test - its the only way to be sure x x x

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