hey girls + need advice!! **update - sure i am going mad!!**

oh dear miss Gobby! :shock:
what a calamity :o

hope you get the result you want. It would be nicer if it were a BFN so you and Danny could get to know each other better but if its a BFP then its meant to be and you should be happy chick . Theres worse things happen. So think positive about it. :hug:
Helllooooo, can't believe I missed you!!!

I hope you get the result you want this weekend!!! :hug: :hug:
Hope AF turns up for you hun :pray: if she doesn't then a BFP is a blessing in disguise :wink:
hey miss g... cant believe i missed you..

glad your happy with new partner and hope you get result you want this weekend.. :wave:
hey girls :wave:

rachie!!!!! how are ya babes? long time no speak hey?? and happybunny!!??

tots hope and girls, i havent tested, totally fogot this morning BUT i still havent come on my period.....bit TMI but last night we had sex and on the condom there was like pinky colour, i went to toilet and wiped and it was really light pink so thought i was coming on my period, BUT....nothing since!! i am getting quite worried now so if i havent come on by tonight i will test in the morning!! :shock: :hug:
still nothing and no sign she is on her way either :wall:

just found out a friend at work is pregnant...i am over the moon for her!!!!

Littlelady87 said:
hun stop teasing go gwet a test done lady :cheer:
i know hun, and i know this is going to sound stupid after months of TTC with my ex but i really dont want to be pregnant at the moment, i am happy as i am, only just started a relationship with Danny and i dont want to have a baby yet :( i am petrified because i do actually think i could be pg!! :(
I know its scary chick, i was with gal less then a month when i got pg with Hope, i was shitting myself and at points i thought we would never last as a couple but as time went on we grew closer and closer and i thank the lucky stars i fell pg. I know you wana get to know him hun, and you do whats right for you, im always here if you want to talk to a friend. I say test either way you will know where you stand :hug:
Feeling scared and anxious maybe stopping your AF from arriving - if you test at least you will know either way x x x
Littlelady87 said:
I know its scary chick, i was with gal less then a month when i got pg with Hope, i was sh*tting myself and at points i thought we would never last as a couple but as time went on we grew closer and closer and i thank the lucky stars i fell pg. I know you wana get to know him hun, and you do whats right for you, im always here if you want to talk to a friend. I say test either way you will know where you stand :hug:
its not really the fact i want to get to know him because i have known him for like 2 years and he was my best friend before we got together, i just think its really too soon, i know i cant help it if i am but i am sooo scared!!! i will test in the morning though and let you know!! thanks babes :hug:
anytime chick, hope you get the result you want, if not im only bloody 5 mins from meadowhall if you need a proper chat, just pm me and im there :hug:
Sometimes - unexpected things can be great!
All the time you were trying with danny - maybe it didnt happen with him because it wasnt right! It might not be the right time in your new relationship - but it could turn out to be a happy accident!

Hope you get the result you really want!


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