Hey Girls....im finally here!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2011
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Hi!!! I prob know most of you from TTC but wanted to pop in and say hi as got my BFP Thursday night and im approx 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant! Woop Woop!

Getting really bad sickness what i dont mind when im at home but travelling in and out of work (trains) and at work is horid! But iv been told its a good sign so not going to moan about it (well i will a little!) .

Really cant believe im acually posting in here as didnt really even come into this section while TTC as didnt want to jinx anything....am still a bit nervous to post here as yet but im sure after a few weeks it will feel like my home like the TTC section does now! :)

Yay!! Hiya hun so glad you made it here! Congratulations! xx
Hello lovely lady! so very pleased for you! As soon as u get to tri 1 you are anxious to get out and into tri 2 - we hear its a lot more chilled over there! xx
aww congrats and welcome to the mad tri 1 nuthouse lol oj we are not nutters realy just pregnant hahahahhaha x
Congratulations? Am I right in renewing that you were using a CBFM?

Think I remember posting on your thread in TTC about using them xx
Congratulations again, lovely for you to get into Tri1 , yourll love the support you get in here as much as ttc
Thanks everyone! :)

Beckyboo1 - Yes that was me! :) I didnt use the monitor every month but i did on the month i caught the egg :) glad i did as the OPK didnt show until the day after the monitor so i could of missed it if i hadnt bd that night! :-/

Sickness is a lot better today as only been sick ones but still cant be on laptop for long as it makes me feel sick.

So girls...........what do i do now???? Im over 35 so want to make sure i get all the advice i need straight away. My doctor does not do evening appointments and i only started my new job last week! Should i contact a family planning clinic instead? The doctors said i can pick up a form form them and it will go straight to the hospital where they will arrange a midwife but dont want to miss out on someone seeing me before that!

What does the doctor do on a your first visit to them? xx
Hi hun,

Once again massive congrats!!!

This is what happened with me.

I saw the GP at 5w 5d, he just did a basic check (height, weight BP) and prescribed me some high dose folic acid - only because of my history - normal over the counter folic acid is fine for most people.

I choose the hospital that does not have a MW in the surgery so all my appointments are at the hospital.

If you don't need to see your GP and can get your referral without seeing him then do that, if not then I am afraid you will have to bite the bullet and take some time off work.

I got my booking appointment and 12 week scan date a week after I saw GP!

Your age doesn't make any difference, there is nothing additional they will do for you any earlier BUT you do need to get the ball rolling. You'll have your screening at 12 week scan and then be given a risk catergory. If you were to be high risk then you are offered diagnostic tests but you do not have to accept.

None of this will be done earlier because of age though hun!

Maybe call the Dr on Tuesday and see what they say? I am sure I saw you post that you can make your own referral to MW so if that is how it works with your trust then perfect!!

Hi hun,

Once again massive congrats!!!

This is what happened with me.

I saw the GP at 5w 5d, he just did a basic check (height, weight BP) and prescribed me some high dose folic acid - only because of my history - normal over the counter folic acid is fine for most people.

I choose the hospital that does not have a MW in the surgery so all my appointments are at the hospital.

If you don't need to see your GP and can get your referral without seeing him then do that, if not then I am afraid you will have to bite the bullet and take some time off work.

I got my booking appointment and 12 week scan date a week after I saw GP!

Your age doesn't make any difference, there is nothing additional they will do for you any earlier BUT you do need to get the ball rolling. You'll have your screening at 12 week scan and then be given a risk catergory. If you were to be high risk then you are offered diagnostic tests but you do not have to accept.

None of this will be done earlier because of age though hun!

Maybe call the Dr on Tuesday and see what they say? I am sure I saw you post that you can make your own referral to MW so if that is how it works with your trust then perfect!!

Thanks hun....guna have a good read of your post now! :)

Feel a lot more excited today as sickness (only been sick ones) isnt as bad so have managed to eat a little bit, iv stocked up on grapes and me and OH are going healthy food shopping tomorrow! :) xx
Carnet - Yeah i called the doctors on Friday morning but was so sick it was hard to take it all in what she was saying! LOL But yeah she did say that as i have just started a new job i can just get a form that will be sent to the hospital and a MW will be arranged so i will do that (now i know there is defo nothing i should be doing before the MW appointment) :)

Im still taking my pregnacare conceive tablets as they say on the pack that you can finish them before starting the pregnacare pregnancy tablets but me and OH are going to get them tomorrow as want to start taking them asap.

Need to also search what food are the best to have and also not to have! :) You would think after 6 month being a member on this website i would know these things but all you concentrate on when TTC is TTC then bang its OMG! LOL x
I think if you already have a healthy diet you don't need to make too many alterations. However it's best to know what is good for you.

My bean likes cheese and crisps :shock: :shock: :lol:

Funny you should say that as the only things so far iv kinda kept down since Thursday night is beans on toast with some cheese, jacket potato with cheese and a bag of crisps (oh and graps) my baby butterfly doesnt like rich tea biscuits! Going to try carrots and hummus later :) x
yay!! was waiting for your hello post. Welcome to the pregnancy section, and dont be scared to Tri hop either, we all do it!

the biggest thing with sickness is to try to make sure you dont get hungry. I found belvita breakfast biscuits a godsend. would nibble on one when I felt icky and it cleared the hunger. Although my sickness was never that bad.

the biggest thing for Tri 1 is to try to stay calm and chilled (speak to Nat about that!). We all seem to sign up for knicker watch though and panic at every cramp or pain in our bellies.!! Tri 2 will be here before you know it, after that time just FLIES IN!
Thanks hun! Yeah im already thinking overtime coz i havent been sick today!!! How silly is that! lol x
YAY hi pink butterfly, congrats hun! So lovely to see you in here :D I agree with lynds, try to keep eating even when you don't feel like it as it really helps the sickness. Happy healthy 9 months hun! Xxx

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