He's trying to kick me out...I don't really know why! (long)

Hun I'm sorry but you need to leave! How is a control freak going to be any help when your baby arrives? He'll do the same to your child as well. My dad was exactly the same and the result was my mum being a wreck and four messed up kids! It could have been different if my mum just told him to pee off long before.

Of course he is going to make you out to be the bad guy! As if he would act any other way in front of your parents. They are jekyll and hyde! You can cope on your own believe me, he isn't going to be any help to you. Whatever feelings you have for him are tiny compared to the love you will have for your baby when you see them for the first time. You will gain huge strength and you can do it.

He won't change, they never do no matter how hard you try. Your parents will be supportive hun even if you think they won't. You're not the bad guy! :hug:
What you are experiecing is a form of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!!!
Get out!! This is mental abuse and something I went thru as a child with my mom and leaves scars for life, dont put your child thru that!

Please hunny this man will distroy you and your babys life, living with him will ruin your life, get out before that baby is born!

You will cope on your own your a woman and women are mothers without men!! your job will be 10xs harder with him around!

Please please pleaseee!!!! THINK ABOUT THIS! :pray: :pray: :pray:

He will not change, he will never support you and WILL always think about himself.

Men like that want pity and they want someone to feel sorry for them, its never their fault and always yours which is why he made you out as the bad one infront of your own family, hes disgusting and as far as im concerned men like that are scum.

I am sorry if you think what I have put is wrong or out of order but I vowed when I moved away from my father never to let others down who are going thru it too and to help them get out.

I agree with everyone else!! Get out!! My ex done this to me, not as bad but near enough.. then he started gettin violent!! N i mean he nearly killed me, plus he cheated on me more than once.

He aint worth it huni just get outa there and start a life without him in it! Like someone said (sorry, cant remember who said it) If he does anythin to any of ur stuff just go straight to the police!!

Hope things get better with u huni, im always around somewhere if u need a chat xxxxx
I'm sorry, I know you have decided to stay put for now but I agree with Tasha and Barmi, you need to get away from him :?
I actually felt scared for you reading your post, what he is doing is mental abuse and the fact he would put you throigh this when you are pregnant with his baby only proves what kind of man he is :evil:
Sorry if this upsets you, it is just my opinion :?
Totally agree with everyone else on this. He is a bully & a coward & doesn't deserve you. He sounds like a nasty piece of work & will never change, no matter how many times he says he's sorry, they never do. Its all about the control for some people.

It will be hard raising a baby as a single Mum, there's no getting away from it, but its not impossible & you'll have the support from friends & family (and us lot!). You can do it. Your life will be one long battle if you stay with him, he's told you to go, so go. You're not the bad guy here at all so don't feel bad by leaving.

Be strong hun :hug:

So sorry hun :hug: i really hope you can work it out and hopefully :pray: he will not do this to you again it is not good for you !
Abuse usually starts verbal and gets worse . :hug:
im here if you need to chat hun.
Thank you again, everyone. I can see what you are saying, I have a brother who is just like this with his wife, plus he is a alcoholic (my boyf isn't, my bro is), she has stayed on for the sake of their foster daughter (yeah, I know, a foster carer thats an alcoholc, don't get much worse really does it?! Well it does, but you know what I mean.)

I'm not staying on out of any sort of misplaced loyalty, or because I think people want me to stay, not even for the baby, I'm doing it because now things have calmed down, and are good again, I want to give him another chance. Beleive me, I'll be straight out the door before he can ask me to stop if he does it again, but I do beleive insecond chances, I can only hope that all of this has made him realise what he has to loose, and if it hasn't thatn I'm sure we'll fid out soon enough.

Thank you agains though, do value everyones advice, and will keep it all in mind, I promise. You word haven't fallen on deaf ears (or should that be blind eyes?!)

I love you all xx
You sound just like my mum did :( My dad didnt drink and he still did it, they dont need booze to do it hun :(
He's a loon
Best piece of advice i was ever given:
Work out how much time you spend happy in your relationship against how much time you are not.
If you are happy 50% of the time you have something to work on (although thats not even enough as far as I'm concerned!)
Any less than that - get out.........
Not meaning to sound harsh but also been there myself, I feel for you and respect your decision to let him have another chance. Just make sure its the last chance EVER.
Good luck

U need to get out of there, he is abussive and you & ur baby do not deserve to be treated that way. Please get out for your own safety, you deserve to be happy not controlled, he needs help.

Good luck hun xxxxx

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
My advise would be to LEAVE HIM NOW, think about you and your baby!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hun, Im sitting here reading your post with tears in my eyes.

As a housing officer i have seen this kind of thing time after time. It may start off as verbal and menal abuse but will almost certainly develop into phyical abuse. He will also have his good and bad times but unfortunately these are all forms of domestic violence.

I urge you to leave the relationship now, it will only go on to get worse in the long run because he will never change, its a fact. He will also try to make you look like a liar, un reliable and and a bad person/parent. From the things you have said it looks like he has already manipulated your parents into believng you are being silly, it only goes on to get worse from there.

Please do yourself and your unborn baby a favour and leave. If you continue with the relationship your child will think its normal and whether its a boy or girl they will likely fall into the roles they are being taught are normal by its parents. Please think about it.

PM me if you need to talk :hug:
wow, this guy sounds like a PSYCHO- sorry, but he shows all the signs of someone severely unstable, and could well be dangerous to u and ur baby. i say get out of this relationship as it sounds like he's really nasty to you; and be careful- i dont wanna scare u but he might get physical
i'm so sorry ur going thru this :hug:

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