inforabumpyride said:
I asked him to leave for a bit so I could get my head around what had happened- he came back a few hours later and basically said that he didn't love me and that he was staying because I was pregnant. He doesn't feel ready to give up all the clubbing and freedom he had before me and he wants it back.
It hurt more than anything in the world- I felt like someone had reached into my stomach, and mushed everything up with their fist.
A couple of hours later, he tok back what he said and apologised- said it was just anger talking. I don't know what to do. I know that he didn't just say it in anger- if thats how he feels then I can't change it. It sounds awful but I would rather have half a relationship than lose him altogether- I don't feel like I am strong enough to do it on my own.
You CAN do it alone! You ARE strong enough!!
Just listen to others like Dannii! She didnt think she could but is doing better now!!
When my other half cheated, I only even considered talking to him again when he changed his whole life!
He used to take drugs and spend all his time at his brothers with his mates, he changed his life 100% for me and the children, he never ever said things like what yours has said and tbh if he had dared, he would not be standing now I do believe! (I would have broke his legs!)
But then, your oh saying all that then coming back and saying he was "joking" is the worst!
My OH suprised me that he changed everything about him and thats the ONLY reason we were able to work it out! He had been taking drugs and doing what he did for over 20 years so I knew what it meant that he was willing to do that even while not thinking he had a chance of us getting back together! (yeh I suprised us both with that one!)
I hope you find the strength and I totally think Dannii is right about the breaking point!!
Maybe you do need to wait until then but just remember, everybodys here for you and you have more in you than you think!! He has just dented your ego and self confidence! They will come back!
Dont let him take your pride!!