He's admitted it.... *UPDATE IN ORIGINAL POST*

Oh sweetie! He's a big ol' kn*b head... Doesn't deserve you AT ALL.

To do this full stop is a bast*rdly thing to do, to do this while you're pregnant is a fooking liberty.

Babe, I hope you find the strength to grab LO and leave the t*sser - If you decide to try and work things out, then I hope you make him EARN your trust back.

(Excuse my swearing - HUGE hugs to you :cry: :hug: :hug: ) xxx
That makes me so mad, that a 'man' could do that behind his PREGNANT partner's back :x :x :x and that the stupid skank would take part in it :evil: omg it makes me so mad! It's good you have found out though. Take some time to work out what you'd like to do next... if it were me I would kick him to the curb. You will be just fine without him hun, if you choose to go that way. You and your precious bub don't need a w@nker like that! You have the strength to get through this :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Men can be such kn*bheads. I don't have any other advice other than what the ladies above have said. :hug: :hug: :hug:
What a @%*$*@$ %&*"@@" @@&*$£% @%*$*@$ %&*"@@" @@&*$£% @%*$*@$ %&*"@@" @@&*$£% @%*$*@$ %&*"@@" @@&*$£% :evil: :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:

Hope you're ok hun and looking after yourself, sending these for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Where's a little yellow head icon for kicking someone in the gonads?!! :twisted:
I cant belive someone can be so heartless!!

You definately deserve better :hug:
Tadpole said:
Where's a little yellow head icon for kicking someone in the gonads?!!

Yeah, we deffo need one of those!!!
how about this one:
He deserves to fall down a well... toss*r...

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Go it alone hun... you don't need this. :hug:
I asked him to leave for a bit so I could get my head around what had happened- he came back a few hours later and basically said that he didn't love me and that he was staying because I was pregnant. He doesn't feel ready to give up all the clubbing and freedom he had before me and he wants it back.

It hurt more than anything in the world- I felt like someone had reached into my stomach, and mushed everything up with their fist.

A couple of hours later, he tok back what he said and apologised- said it was just anger talking. I don't know what to do. I know that he didn't just say it in anger- if thats how he feels then I can't change it. It sounds awful but I would rather have half a relationship than lose him altogether- I don't feel like I am strong enough to do it on my own.
:hug: :hug:

I'm so sorry what an absolute prick he is.

I know you are worrying you can't do it alone but sometimes we can surprise ourselves - you are stronger than you think.

:hug: Take care
inforabumpyride said:
I asked him to leave for a bit so I could get my head around what had happened- he came back a few hours later and basically said that he didn't love me and that he was staying because I was pregnant. He doesn't feel ready to give up all the clubbing and freedom he had before me and he wants it back.

It hurt more than anything in the world- I felt like someone had reached into my stomach, and mushed everything up with their fist.

A couple of hours later, he tok back what he said and apologised- said it was just anger talking. I don't know what to do. I know that he didn't just say it in anger- if thats how he feels then I can't change it. It sounds awful but I would rather have half a relationship than lose him altogether- I don't feel like I am strong enough to do it on my own.

Dont talk like that, and you shouldnt even consider living half a relationship, there not worth the heartache and pain that you will go through. And having a baby also that needs to live in a hapyy home.

I think you should consider telling him to go - take back your life and self resepct, this man has cheated on you and has basically said with his actions and words, I will do as I want. You shouldnt take that crap from any man.

You can manage on your own and let your oh see what hes missing, be alone and be strong and become your own woman. He will probably regret his desison in time and see what hes missing.

Please dont make the mistak though of hanging on to something that isnt there - youl be in for a world of pain. I talk from personal experience.

Best thing you can do, is kick his ass out and get a life of your own, the hurt will ease and go eventually, but you dont need a man that shags other woman an then comes homes and lies to you. Gte your own life an enjoy your pregnancy. Claim your self respect back!
mrs_tommo22 said:
Please dont make the mistak though of hanging on to something that isnt there - youl be in for a world of pain. I talk from personal experience.

I have to agree, My sons real father also made the same comments that he has made to you, i just thought that i coudn't live without him and wanted to have the perfect family that everyone else has. In fact it made me even more unhappier, emotional and more insecure than ever. And in the end he realised after 8months he really did mean what he had said and walked out leaving me a wreck.

There are better people out there for you hun, either he grows up and accepts what is about tho happen or you have to walk, you can't bring up baby and worry all the time about him out clubbing and living his life like a single lad.

All the best :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:x I really hate men atm!!!!

Unfotunately he sounds like hes doing what my "baby daddy" has done, and i'm still hurting from it now, so i cant offer enough hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:

Spending money on "dates" with another women when he has you and baby to me, jsut shows how little he must really care, again its what my baby daddy did, he spent £400 on a raffle to impress this other girl, and hasnt bought the baby anything, he said hed pay for all my 4d scan but only paid £40, thats not even half, and i know he came back i nto work after went "its a girl" and hasnt mentioned her since!!

Im getting worked up now writing htis lol :rotfl: not what i need!!!

Your right that your main priority is you and baby!! I just take comfort in knowing that even if her daddy doesnt want her her mummy loves her more then anything, and id rather she had jsut me, then a daddy around who isnt that interested and hurts mummy.

Some men just arnt willing to accept the consequences of their actions, they're cowards, thats another reason he kept fucking off, cos he doesnt want to give up nights out and booze and fags (and drugs im sure)

I dont know your whole situation, only you do, and yes i hate men atm (except one man who has been my rock through everything) but you dont need the stress and pain hes brought you.

Also i found my baby daddy would only say how he truely felt when he was angry, and take it back after! Such as the last few times its happened hes told me how he never wanted her in the first place and wanted me to get rid of her!! Then later on goes "oh but im glad you've kept her obviously it was jsut the shoc kat first" (lier)

Omg this is a long post lol sorry, i just have a lot to say about ******* men atm :roll:
inforabumpyride said:
I asked him to leave for a bit so I could get my head around what had happened- he came back a few hours later and basically said that he didn't love me and that he was staying because I was pregnant. He doesn't feel ready to give up all the clubbing and freedom he had before me and he wants it back.

It hurt more than anything in the world- I felt like someone had reached into my stomach, and mushed everything up with their fist.

A couple of hours later, he tok back what he said and apologised- said it was just anger talking. I don't know what to do. I know that he didn't just say it in anger- if thats how he feels then I can't change it. It sounds awful but I would rather have half a relationship than lose him altogether- I don't feel like I am strong enough to do it on my own.

That is EXACTLY what my ex said... If he's missing this "single" life, then he's missing the single life. There is nothing you can do to change that. While you are still with him, you aren't giving yourself the opportunity to do it solo...

There are so many women doing this alone and 90% are better off for doing so. For the first 2 months after my ex proposed and then left (yes, within a few days of each other!) I was gutted and was just numb... Now, I HATE the pillock and will definitely be MUCH better doing this on my own.

Try to ask yourself a few questions; What effect will this have on you as a mother? What effect will this have on him as a Father? What effect will this have on bubs if her Mum & Dad are together but arguing all the time?

Even after saying all this, I do have a theory with things like this; it might be hard to explain but I know what I mean! IMO, you have to reach a breaking point to end a relationship and be able to move on. If you try to do this before hitting that point, then you can't break off from it! I was with an ex (not baby's Dad, another ex) for 2 and a half years and I was a bit down with him anyway, but felt didn't feel "ready" to call it a day, I just thought "maybe I can change him" - One day I just thought "f*ck it, and f*ck him" and ended it, never looked back! I know if I had ended it when people told me to, I'd have been chasing him desperate for him to get back with me. You have to allow yourself to hit that point of no return.

Maybe it'll be when bubs is born?!

Granted, you might not hit the breaking point (it is unlikely though), but only YOU know what you can put up with...

And "he said it out of anger", BS! How the hell can he be angry with you?! You've done nothing wrong! If he didn't mean it (which I find hard to believe sweet, I'm sorry), then he said it out of guilt, NOT anger.

I really hope you don't think I'm trying to kick you when you're down here because I am genuinely thinking of you in the long run (and bubs of course) but the chances are hun that he'll leave eventually. You might not hit that breaking point but he certainly will... :cry: :hug:

I'm ALWAYS here if you need a chat, just PM me and I'll reply ASAP and we can have a good ol' "We Hate Men" chat and have a giggle at all the stooooopid stuff they do!


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