

Well-Known Member
May 11, 2010
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as in harry potter I love this name but does everyone assosiate it with harry potter or does it matter??? what do you think x
It does make me think of Harry Potter but no i dont think it really matters, once its your daughters name you wouldn't think of it like that. x
Yes I do think of harry potter but no I don't think it matters-I like it :)
I really like it but iv never heard of anyone else with the name im unsure about the harry potter thing. Its pretty and we r really struggling for names right now iv near enough worn the print off my baby name books lol. xx
It makes me think of Harry Potter too but I don't think it matters - it's a lovely name :cloud9: x
I do like it but Defo reminds me of Harry potter. Shouldn't matter though , nice name x
I agree do think of Harry potter but doesn't matter as it's a lovely name x
Thats one of the names on my list lol I have only got it on there because i am a harry potter geek lol
it was a name before harry potter :) if you like it go for it :)
It does make me think of Harry Potter - but don't let that put you off! If you like it go for it, it's lovely :)
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Its Harry potter just now but that will fade in a few years anyway, her generation probably won't think about it and its a pretty name!
I have to say I dont think the Harry Potter thing is going to fade in a long long time, if ever, children will be reading those books for generations.

But nothing wrong with a name thats the same as a much loved character in a book! Harry's Hermione is a wonderful character, clever and attractive and other good attributes.

Personally I think of Shakespeare when i hear 'Hermione', its a lovely classical name and I'm glad its been given new life :)
I like it...and yes it does make me think of HP, but it's a lovely classical name in it's own right too :)
It's pretty and different but I would just think 'Harry Potter' lol x
There was a little girl at nursery with the name hermione and I never thought of Harry Potter, but when its said to you, you think about it, but when you're introduced to someone with the name it doesn't cross your mind. That make any sense lol.

I think its a lush name, I would have loved it but FOB didn't agree. :(
I asked my daughters and one lovd it coz she loves harry potter and the other one hated it so we sat down and they came up with Milly Arabella for her so think we will stick with that now seams really special seen as they chose the name x
If you like it hun go for it, doesn't matter about the harry potter thing xxx
Yes it was a name before Harry Potter but I've never ever heard of anyone with that name (at least until after Harry Potter came out). So if you choose the name because you like it then good on you but I wouldn't worry too much about people associating the name with Harry Potter because that is basically guaranteed.

i love it asked oh if we could have it if we had a girl. however milly arebella is also very cute. especially as it was chosen by your girls. xxx

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