Helpful websites?


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2012
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Hope it's OK for me to post this. I came across this earlier on after following some random yahoo link on Facebook, I've been reading stuff on here for a few hours now, and have found some of the stuff on here so comforting, I thought some of you might also? It's a blog site, and there are lot's of blogs about miscarriage, especially if you follow the links at the bottom of the blog I've posted...

Sorry if it's been posted before.....

Through the blog I have also found a Facebook page and website
hiya im a member of a few mc support pages i couple on baby centre and also a couple on facebook i get great support from all my little groups and its realy gd to talk to ppl who have been through it themselves and to know ur not going crazy with some of the thoughts u have etc,my newest support group is ttc after an mc which is realy fab atm for me xx
I don't know where to start trying to conceive again, I can't wait to start trying again, but I have this horrible vision of another two years of trying and that just makes the whole loss even more heartbreaking. I haven't got a clue about ovulation tests and so on, and don't even know where to learn about these things.

Reading through these pages have given me a few questions to ask about trying again though, don't know who I'm supposed to ask, I don't have a follow-up appointment when it comes to the miscarriage (just the large cyst they found during my scans), just start again at the GP I suppose.
hi i know what u mean i was trying for another yr after my 1st mc last may well not exactly a yr but from bfp to bfp it was a whole yr ,i only started using opks december and they are pretty easy tbh, i kept track of the hcg in my body so i knew when my body would ovulate again it took a whole 5 weeks for a hpt to go negative then i oved a week or so after that and af came 2 weeks after that and now im in my first full cycle after my mc in may 9 weeks ago,pop along to ur gp and ask about the cyst and see what is next about that and go from there :) and the ttc section here is great when u do start to ttc and maybe make a journal so u can put all ur thoughts in there regarding ur mc and ur day to day things it helped me loads along the way and there is some lovely ladies in there with great support for each other take care xxx
I am kind of doing a journal, not every day but here and there. I have a hospital appointment about the cyst, they said about six weeks, I hope it's not much later because it caused hassles with the pregnancy (I was needing the loo every hour 24/7 as it was pushing my bladder), and obviously we don't know if it could have helped cause the MC.

How do you check your hpt? Sorry to sound like a idiot but I have no idea and the best way I find to cope is by planning ahead iykwim?
U can check ur hcg levels by doing pregnancy tests just the cheap ones will do and the lines will get lighter and lighter,I think when u have had a natural mc the process is a lot quicker I think and ur hcg levels go down a lot faster and once they are below 1000 urr body can ovulate and once below 5 ur af will arrive. X
I don't think I could face a positive test atm, knowing that it's a faulse positive, I think I'll just wait patiently until AF comes. Juat wish the bleeding would stop now, I keep thinking it's stopped and it comes back again and it's really peeing me off.
I know wat u mean my first mc last may I had a rough time of it it took 3 weeks of scans for them to decide I had a blighted ovum And nothing was going to appear,I didn't want the erpc so tried for the medical managed which failed so needed erpc anyways and I was going to corfu in 10 days I had no choice realy I needed it over with quickly,I had the erpc and I bled for about 3 weeks on and off then had spotting for. Week I wasn't tracking so have no idea wen I got my af but on way home from corfu I got what I think was my af, I was desperate ttc again after this mc so that's y I tracked so I knew exactly what was going on I needed that control bk. Xxx
Thank you for the links. Hope you are doing ok :hug: xxxxx

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