Great present for expectant Dads and also a good read for us Mums too


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Hiya ladies in Tri 1, hope you're all well! Doesn't seem two minutes ago I was posting in here gosh the time flies!

When I first joined this forum someone told me about a blog called 'Goodbye Pert Breasts' which was the pregnancy journey as told by a bloke. It was so funny and I followed it every week and loved it.

Fast forward a few months later and the guy who wrote the blog has published 'Goodbye Pert Breasts' into a book. Seeing as I'd become a big fan of his blog I really wanted to buy a copy, so I did. I also bought a copy for a friend of mine (male) who'd just found out his wife was expecting. It's absolutely brilliant. Even though it's written for men, it's so funny for us ladies to read too and my husband, who hasn't read a book since his GCSEs has picked it up and I hear him laughing.

I mention this on here to you in Tri 1 because when I found out I was preggers I really wanted to get my husband a little gift and get something about becoming a Dad. A book seemed the obvious choice but all the books I found in Waterstones weren't really 'him' and I knew he wouldn't read anything serious. I also think it's nice to support people who are trying to follow their dreams and the author of this book writes in his spare time.

This is the link to his blog site and the book you can get from Amazon

Hope I'm not breaking any forum rules doing this, just wanted to share as it's really made me giggle loads and we could all do with a laugh eh?

All the best,

Gem x
The author is a member on here...can't remember his username tho lol xx

edit: bwakeling is his username xx
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Read website, chuckled the whole time, looks awesome xx
Thanks for your support guys! And're a legend :D xx
I thought i had seen him somewhere else hehe i cant wait get it and OH will love it :) x
It's brilliant. Started my maternity leave this week and I've nearly finished it. Should have saved it for when I go into labour to laugh through the contractions! Oh well, will just read it again!

Ben, you're welcome! Hope you're working on the next book? Xxx
I have plans, but need this one to take off first!! xx
Ive just sat and read through the whole blog :D was brill... when I go uk I will defo be buying it :D
Will definitely be buying for hubby in a few months!

What with all the bad things that happened last time, and us trying not to get our hopes up too much this time just in case.. I think it'll be the perfect gift when (not if.. see I'm getting better!) we're a bit further dwon the line to make him really feel like a Dad :D

Awesome idea and thanks for the link Rayoflight.. and for writing for the Dads, Bwakeling :D xxx

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