Blake's Baby Led Weaning Blog

Aw really? Thanks love, that's really nice.

You've reminded me to do an update on my work one!

For shizzle, and am also totally in love with the name Blake now, it suits your LO so well too, he's adorable! x
It's a cool name isn't it? Got it off one of the inbetweeners lads. Although realised in the last few days that it's also the name of Amy Winehouse's low life knobber ex - Blake Fielder-Civil which has somewhat ruined the name for me a bit!
Ha, I know he is a bit of a scummer ain't he? I love Neil in the Inbetweeners though, if I don't go before my due date, can't wait to see the film!

I said the name Blake to my hubby (cause I was reading your BF journal, which I love and keep going back to cause I really really want to be able to feed, it's stressing me though cause no one says "you'll be fine, perservere" it's all "oh put them on the bottle"...) and he is so taken with it which is a miracle in itself as we have struggled massively with boys names. We don't know what we're having but he came home yesterday with a boys t-shirt & I was like "do you think we're having a boy now?" he has thought we've been having a girl for the last 8 months! He was like "a girl can wear that" I said "it's grey & blue - girls like pink & glitter!" Men...

But anyway, Gemma I may have to steal it :oooo: x
No problem! It would be an honour.

I was exactly the same. Convinced I was having a girl until 8 months when I found the name Blake and then it stuck. Could never decide on a girls name.

I don't think I'll have any girls so i've already picked my second boy's name - Archer. Blake and Archer, my little Scouse scamps!
He has been totally convinced it's a girl, maybe because it's so much easier to name a girl (I think anyway) and we've some nice girly ones floating around, but now he's found a boys name he likes I think he's like "oh a boy would be sound now...!"
Blake & Archer is too cute! But now you've said you won't have girls I bet you do ;-)
I love your blog! I also loved toe breastfeeding
One and read the entire thing in One Night once! What lovely Memories you have of your journey :) xx
Aw really?! Wow. I really need to update the work one. Im getting lazy!
Thanks for reading it. I've got loads of posts to finish off on the storminakcup one too. X
Brilliant blog Gem, I love the mushroom bit where OH comes home and saves the day with the Mushroom moustache!!

Your camera takes a lovely clear piccy, if it's not a good one, you lot are super photogenic!! (well Blake def is a cutie anyway!)
Got more BLW posts to put up today and a video too.

I recorded it on the mac webcam and it's saved as a .gif so just need to convert it then get it up.

In the meantime, there's a post about Pee, Puke, Porridge and Kitchen Paper - my day from hell in pictures. Http://
Brilliant blog Gem, I love the mushroom bit where OH comes home and saves the day with the Mushroom moustache!!

Your camera takes a lovely clear piccy, if it's not a good one, you lot are super photogenic!! (well Blake def is a cutie anyway!)

Thanks love! Yes the clear pics are OH's super duper wedding photography cameras. The rubbish ones that are blurred and grainy are my iPhone ones.
Sorry don't know the exact link but new post on my blog about BLW and self feeding yoghurt (it's messy!). It's the second one down.


I've also been accepted to write for the international baby led weaning blog -
Which is full of useful ideas, videos, photos and advice. Its definitely worth a look if you're thinking of baby led weaning.


Gem x
congratulations hun :-) you are such a funny writer... you have me in stitches everytime! Have you thought about actually turning your blogs into a book? I think you'd have a fair few sales from us lot and working in media etc you know how good "word of mouth" is too! ;-) xx
Thanks love!

I would love to write a book. It's like a dream of mine! One day...
I know my brother has a book that you can buy. He does it all online... its basically a book of all his blogs (like a diary) it will get printed to his spec everytime someone orders a copy rather than going down the "official publisher" route if that makes sense? Could be a possible avenue just to get you "out there" so to speak lol. I know I'd buy a copy! xx

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