

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2005
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wel this is all new to me and im so scared and confused. i have the support of my friends but the father is not interested as he has a new girlfriend. he wants me 2have an abortion and wont budge on the subject. then he decided (with the help of alcohol) that we should get a house just 4 the sake of the child and stay in seperate rooms which i dont agree with either. anybody have any ideas?
would really apreciate any points of view
Awww, It's a very confusing time for you both.

The idea of sharing a house os practical, but it would never work unless you both get on really well, and it doesn't sound like you do. Maybe that's something to think about in the future, but you don't want to over complicate things right now.

I know it;s a scary time, but trust me, when the baby is born it will be the best thing that has ever happened to you.
When I got pregnant with my first child, I was living in thailand as a scuba instructor, and it was the worst day of my life when I found out.
Now he's 3, almost four and he's the best thing I could have ever done with my life!

Try not to get too stressed with things now, tell the father his options, but on your terms, if he wants to see the child he will have to pay, if not, you will have to come to some kind of financial agreement with him, perhaps with the help of your families.

Dad's are funny creatures, he will not feel a bond with the baby for a while, it's much easier, obviously for the mom to get a bond.
Give him time, that's the only thing you can give him right now.... see how he copes.

Good luck!
You just take care of YOU and your baby! Let him do whatever and DO NOT stress over it or think for one second that you can't do this without him! Trust me honey, I've been a single mom for a long time... it's not easy, but nothing in life is, so just keep your head up... God will give you strength and put YOU AND YOUR baby first!!! God bless!
thanks 4 your advice i do really appreciate it. i feel like i have bonded with my bump over the last 2weeks and i really really love her already. im so good i stood my ground and decided 2keep her, although i wouldnt have really had a choice since i was a lot further gone that i thought. im so excited about seeing her, not long now.
thanks 4the advice im gona love being a mum

just remember that if you are living together and he has got a new girlfriend will you want him bringing other girls in to the house?
just a thought
good luck keep us posted on how it goes

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